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We were on the run again.

Mystery pulled me after her by gripping my forearm tightly.

We turned another of the many corners and stopped running, both panting out of exhaustion from the none-stop sprint, hoping for a bit of down time before being caught up with.

"I think we lost it." I whispered, so scared.

"For now, I need to find a way to track the caster of the spell or we'll be running until our death."

"Oh no please don't say that." I exclaimed, not wanting to hear her say it because that would mean she can't help with the situation.

She was about to say something before she started coughing loudly, falling to her knees as she coughed into her hands.

"Mystery!" She continued hacking up as I laid a hand on her shoulder, what is going on?

When she stopped coughing and brought her hand away from her face... It was dripping with blood.

"Oh my gods!" I scream unintentionally.

"I haven't fully healed from the bolt, the first attack must have already reopened one or more of the wounds." She whispered, breathing quite loudly as she wiped her mouth and stood, I followed her lead.

"Wait maybe you should sit a bit to not aggravate it." I was instantly worried about her.

"I cannot, there are more urgent matter at play here." She was right but if something bad happens to her we are both done for.

She looked down and suddenly tackled me away, the magic yeti coming crashing down where we were just standing, it can now fly or what?!!

The yeti screeched extremely loudly making me cover my ears and scream in pain as it felt like the sound was stabbing a hole in my skull from the inside and so did Mystery.

"Highness." I heard her whisper when I uncovered my ears despite them heavily ringing.

Mystery was thrown away from me with another of the wild magic attacks and hit the ground hard enough to have it slightly cave in and crack up around her.

I scrambled over, kneeling at her side in worry as she coughed loudly as she laid on her side.

I screamed as the yeti picked me up before a hole was blasted through it, Mystery on her back and hand raised towards it.

The monster looked at her and used my corset to hang me up on a branch at least seven feet off the ground.

I kicked and grabbed the branch but I couldn't free myself as it turned to the mage... Oh no.

I saw how hard it was for her to get on her knees before the branches nearest to her lashed out at the yeti.

I almost smiled as it roared in pain but the branches wilted away as it tore them off from where they grew, I saw a green glow appear and travel into the yeti, did it eat the magic from the plants?!?

I looked at Mystery in growing worry as she was still on her knees and hands, even more at a disadvantage as the cut bled in her eye.

I tried to swing myself off the branch but I was stuck as it curved upward, the corset-branch fit was too tight as I watched the monster hit its heavy fists on her shield until it shattered and it grabbed her. 

"No no no!" I loudly said to myself, reaching at the lace of my corset but since it was in my back I was struggling to grab it.

I watched it lift her up as she frowned while struggling before screaming, seeing the creatures fist shift as it squeezed her like it tried me but taking its time with her, almost reveling in the pain it caused.

I forgot my own possible fate as she screamed even louder, finally grabbing the lace and yanking on it, the knot coming undone and with my weight pulling on the lacing was enough to loosen it up, I fell out of it.

I crash landed on my back and coughed, struggling to breathe in from the impact and the dust sent into the air around me as I looked up, seeing blood just run from her ears, eyes and nose as she coughed more up.

I pushed myself up, feeling something heavy, cold, something deep and endless, weigh in the middle of my chest and out of instinct I knew how to use that thing. Now of all the times my innate magic could come alive.

"Let her go!!!" I yelled at the monster.

I felt the emptiness get heavier to carry as the monster dropped her, its body was torn to pieces, somehow feeling the small shards of its magic shoot through my chest like daggers and disappear all in the same moment.

I touched my chest when the feeling was gone and the yeti was no more before gasping and running to her.

"Mystery!" I kneeled down next to her, so worried as she stared up at me in an awe I've never before seen from anyone, as if I had just solved the mystery of life itself.

I didn't questions it as I don't know what I did at all and if it was really that awe-ing, I pulled one of her arms around my shoulder and pulled her up as I stood before looping my other arm around her waist to keep her stable, she barely looked able to stand.

"What was that?" I whispered, hoping she'd know.

"I don't know." She said, dashing those ideas.

"Come on we need to go." I said with a shake of my head, carrying most of her weight on me.

"I don't think more will come." She whispered before hanging her head and coughing more.

"What? How are you sure of that?"

"I don't feel nor smell the wild magic anymore, it is as if whatever you did not only destroyed that monster but traced back to whoever was using the magic, also destroying their magical ability as I feel Amalia, telling their monsters have also vanished."

"We'll need to ask mother but let's get you back to the castle first you can barely stay on your own feet." I said in slight shock.

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