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(When your ex's character is an integral part of the story :,) I hope that at least she likes the story lmao.)

I came too and saw a fire near me.

I sat up, hissing in pain from both my shoulder and head.

"I see you are up." I looked in fear at the woman that spoke.

Any words I had died on my lips as I saw similar and yet different eyes.

Any words I had died on my lips as I saw similar and yet different eyes

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Dragon eyes.

"Yes, I know, my eyes."

I looked away in panic and searched my pocket to find my given crystal still there.

"Why?" I looked at her.

"I don't actually want to win but I must participate, I'll find a trial I can fail soon enough."


I shifted my feet around but kicked something.

I looked over.

"Mystery!" I yelled, turning to her, leaning my ear to her face, hearing her breath.

My shoulders dropped with heavy relief.

"You helped us."

"I found you both out so yes, plus my friend here wouldn't let me leave." She pointed as the woman sleeping nearby.

"Do you know when she will wake up?"

"No, we need to wait."


I sat staring into the fire most of the sun slices until I heard a groan.

"Oh my gods Mystery you awake!" I grabbed her, pulling her against me.

"Audrey." She whispered, voice hoarse.

"I thought you died and when I wake up from being knocked out I find you next to me again, I was so worried."

"Ssh don't cry." She pat my back, bringing tears to my eyes.

"I'm not." I said, shaking my head.

"Right, you aren't."

"What a touching reunion." She turned around to look at the blue dragon eyed lady who was now sitting with her back to a tree trunk, her huge halberd set next to her.

"What are you doing here?!"

"Calm down Mystery she helped, she has no reason to fight." She looked confused at my words.

"She is right I love someone else already, unfortunately I cannot fake out a loss so I sure do hope we both lose the next trial." She said.

"You like someone competing?"

"Hell yeah."

"And they like you?"

"I sure hope she does."

"You see? No reason to be scared." I said.

"Fine." Mystery crisscrossed her legs as she sat to face her. "But there is something more behind this I know."

I felt so awkward as if they were avoiding talking about a common knowledge since I was here.

"This is awkward... I'll go get food!" I quickly said and jogged off before any of the two could do anything to stop me.

I marched away but not too far, sighing as I leaned against a tree, good hand over my heart.

I never felt so much fear... In every other instant there was a clear way out for her, a way to not die, an escape.

"But here?" I asked myself, the tears in my eyes falling. I had know there was no way out of this without a helping hand.

I almost lost her.

I sniffled and wiped my face clean of tears, walking away and luckily finding a bush with fruit, I quickly picked it and headed back.

"I'm back... Hey where did she go?" I asked, looking around but only Mystery was around.

"I worried since you left." She said.

"Doesn't answer my question."

"I guess she told me what she wanted to and just up and left."

"And you let her?"


"Mystery you are far from your normal strength and can fall ill from what happened, you aren't in the right position to fight."

"I am fine, I made it passed worst."

"I know but I can't lose you, you stubborn woman." I sighed at her words.

"Can't help it." She smiled and I threw the one apple I found that wasn't yet rotting on the ground, lucky me she caught it or it would have smacked off her forehead.

"You better try help it or so help me I will do something."

"And what would that be?"

"If tying you up is what can stop you from doing stupid things I will tie you up mage and you'll let me." I was quite serious.

"Would I really?"

"Yes because you'd listen to me wouldn't you?"

"I would but I'd be free just as easily."

"...Jokes aside..." I sighed. "This was another attempt for my life and yours."

"It sure was, the same people that have been doing this since the start, we can rule out the council members that didn't want you on the throne, they are far to scared of me to act out against you, me or the queen."

"True and you left a massacre of them." I saw the mess the bodies were while waiting for her to wake up and even I was a bit queasy at the sight.

"I got a... Burst of strength let's say that."

"No joke, you made a whole lake vanish, if that was you." I pointed towards where once was a lake and not stood a deep hole.

"It was, it was."

"I wish I could have seen that."

There was a silence as I imagined what she must have done to do that but after the storm of pain I saw that sad day I wasn't surprised.

"Did you know the afterlife is guarded by a silver dragon?"

"What?!" I yelled, whipping to face her.

"I am not joking I almost died there but this silver scaled dragon told me it wasn't my time and that it would lend me its strength to survive as I have a prophecy to complete."

"A prophecy?"

"It said 'the darkness can just be fought back on silver back and purple gaze' and said if I died all would be lost." She said the prophecy in Draklian, probably in case someone was near.

"Well we can ask my mother as this trial is soon to be over and she'll surely give out a few days to recuperate from this ordeal, how many do you feel made it through?"

"Enough, by far enough for one more trial."

"Great... Anyhow describe this dragon to me, I've only seen a few and that's because I am royalty but not a silver scaled one over its whole body that's for sure."

Mystery seemed distracted for the rest of the day, when the gems flashed red and we were teleported back to the field I ended up falling on her back.

She just excused herself and went to her quarter.

I have this feeling that...

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