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"You sure have nothing better to do." Mystery asked, she was currently laying on her side up on the root of the elm, isn't she still supposed to be in bed? Or did I remember wrong? Oh whatever.

"Well my teachers are given a break from their jobs because of the trials and training with the guard doesn't take that long when the men are easily tricked." I said, standing in front of her but on the ground, hands cupped in my back.

"Oh? The princess has special techniques for men?" She said making me smile.

"Yeah it is quite simple, just leaving the tunic just a bit loose you know?" I said, leaning forwards a bit, my undershirt was pulled a bit loose so that I could pull my neckline lower then it should go, giving a slight view.

I saw her glance down, seeing what I meant before she covered her mouth but a laugh slipped through, it always makes me feel warm to hear her laugh.

"You are evil Audrey." I simply smiled, she soon sat up. "Such a cheat when you have bosom, I wouldn't say it would work with me." She said, I tilted my head to the side with a raised eyebrow.

"It would work on me." I said after a while, being truthful even if she thought the opposite.


"Hmm? You aren't the only blunt one Mystery, I might not be unless I am comfortable but I can be."

"I noticed." She pushed herself forwards and slid down the root, landing next to me. I spotted her cat Nix who came up and rubbed herself against my legs. "She took to you didn't she?"

"What can I say? Nix likes me more." I childishly stuck out my tongue at her, mother would scold me if she saw this as I am no child.

"She doesn't."


"I feed her missy she likes me."

"Okay okay don't get butt-hurt."


"What? Even butt-hurt is a cuss for you?"

She shrugged as she watched her cat walk away, not even stopping to get a pat from her, adorable jealousy.

"What can I say Belladonna was adamant with it, you did hear me cuss a few times but far from the peasant way." She said, dragging a hand across the root's bark until she got to the truck and turned to lay her back against it.

"Yeah... After tomorrow will be the last trial as you know and there are still so many competitors." I said, not really worried anymore about the trials, taking a few steps to be right in front of her, hands uncupped and down at my side.

"I know but who would I be to give up so close?"

"You do realize what happens if you win?"

"When, not if but when, I won't lose."

"Right so when, you realize it? Want it or not you'll be in the spotlight."

"I know but that doesn't matter."

"Does it not?" I leaned my face closer to hers but it didn't seem like she was getting the hints, as oblivious as ever.

"Of course it wouldn't, only you do."

"You are too nice too me." I laid my hand on my heart but close enough that I'd see if she looked away to look at my hand and she wasn't, eye to eye, unwavering.

"What can I say? It's in my nature."

"And I sure do love that about you."

"What are you trying to do Audrey?" I was amused as her head softly 'thunked' against the bark as she leaned it back when I took a slight step even closer, the way she was leaning against the tree left us at the same height.

"Well we are courting but we haven't exchanged anything.... Personal."

"What should I get you?" My brow twitched once before I sighed, oh you poor thing.

"This is the day I confessed all over again isn't it?" I asked.

"With me not understanding what you want? I'd say yes." She looked sorry as she spoke but she should know I am not mad at her.

"Doesn't matter." I waved it off as I lifted my hands and grabbed her face. "I meant this."

I pulled her head down.

I sighed through my nose as I finally kissed her, finally.

I felt her hug me.

"There." She blinked so confused when I said that, I gently pat her cheeks before letting go.

"I would have never guessed." I chuckled at how stumped she was, hopping back a few feet when she freed me from her hold.

"Well I couldn't let our wedding day be our first kiss could I?"

"I suppose not." She smiled.

But when she pushed off the trunk I saw a piece of wood shift around under her hand, revealing wooden cogs, all happened so fast as the next second there was a dark gateway that opened behind her and I saw her vanish, falling back into it as I failed to grab her hand to stop it from happening.

I heard several loud thuds.

"Mystery!!" I screamed down in fear but I saw a flame of hers in her hand as she sat up, looking unhurt.

"I'm fine!!" She yelled up, the secret room echoing as she looked around. "We need to get the others, I think we  just found something." She said.

"Wait here! I will go get them!" I yelled down, fear for her well being slowly leaving me as my heart was still beating in my ears.

I jogged away.

Gods, so many puzzle pieces and yet none I ever seen, I just hope Mystery can make sense of them.

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