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(It hurt writing Mystery's version and it hurt writing this version too.)

I couldn't help but see every moment together, blurred into one, behind my eyes as tears flowed from them while looking at the ceiling.

All of it.... For nothing.

I heard a knock and whipped my face.

I stood and opened the door.


"Hello Princess." I raised my brow. "Can I come in?"

"Like hell." I tried slamming the door but she stuck her foot in and shoved it open, knocking me back with it a bit.

"Tough luck I am here."

"What's up with you?!" I yelled, pissed off again. "You have no right of being in here if I don't want it!"

"Tough luck I repeat." I stepped back from her and she kicked the door closed behind her, arms crossed over her chest as she grinned and rose a brow. "Awe the princess is scared?"

"Mystery shut up and leave!" I yelled, pointing at the window she usually came in from. "Your face needs another cut too it?!" I asked in a yell as she was already healed it seemed.

I picked up my sword but she grabbed the blade and ripped it from my hand, throwing it into the wall, thrown right by my head.

I was trembling as she had an evil glint in her eyes, I never thought she'd be the one to take her vengeance.... But then again I didn't think I would seek vengeance either before today....

"Now, come with me." She said.

"Like hell I will!" I backed away but she shoved me before grabbing my wrist so I didn't fall.

"You are coming with!" She hissed and I was getting scared.

"Let me go! It hurts!" I tried to pry her fingers off my wrist as they squeezed.

"Oh does it?!" She squeezed on purpose.

"Let me go!!"

"Aud--Highness is everything..." Everyone froze.... That voice.... "...Alright..."

"Mystery?" I whispered but she was concentrated on the other Mystery holding my wrist.

This new Mystery had the slash across her face but it was burnt close.... So.... Who is.... This one?

"SKIN-TAKEEEEEEEER!!!!" I never heard her so angry as she pulled herself into the room and threw herself at the other 'her' who let me go to grab at her.

I fell back against my bed, holding myself up with the foot-board, cringing as the injured Mystery grabbed the other's face and clawed her fingers across it, the strength behind that tore the skin open.

"You fucked it up!" The other yelled and shoved her back enough the punch her away from her.

She shoved her again as my blood froze, one falling out the window and yanking the other down with them.

"IT WAS YOU!!! YOU DID THIS!!!" I heard, running to the window, oh my god a skin-taker....OH MY GOD A SKIN-TAKER!!!

I watched Mystery punch the fake her and their head hit the ground so hard I saw blood splatter on it from the one hit.

I backed up and sprinted out of my room, running to get outside as fast as I could.

Oh my god a skin-taker.

My head was swimming but it made sense now.

The part of reason that lost against anger was now winning and making me feel awful, reminding me of details I never knew I remembered.

One was wearing beads and the other not....

And the cheater wasn't....

When I arrived outside other mages were apprehending the man that no longer looked like Mystery other then keeping the eyes he stole from her, grinning with malice when he saw me, laughing a bit as he was dragged away from the scene.

"I am sorry in advance." I heard, looking to the left before I was slapped. "I will accept any punishment for lifting my hand on the Highness."

I rubbed my face before looking at a cold faced Emersme.

Tears sprang to my eyes.

"I.... I didn't mean it.... I thought..."

"Mysty would never stoop low enough to do something like that and you know it and yet you still acted out."

"I...." I didn't know what to say, throat tight and just wanting to cry all over again and doing so. "I messed everything up!" I sobbed.

The mage hugged me despite having just slapped me.

"You both made mistakes in your lives but she fixed her own, so fix yours."

"How? She probably hates me."

"She could never but I would leave her alone for the rest of the day... The skin-taker took a toll on her."

"R-right." I sniffled...

Cursing myself...

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