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I was dreaming, gotten comfortable enough for it in the cave.


That was until...


I screamed as the cold water was thrown over my body and it slipped down my nose, whipping my hand out to hit the enemy away.

I sat up, coughing and looked at Mystery who was looking away from me.

"You have a firm hand." She said, rubbing her cheek, WAIT A MOMENT!!

"Holy hell Mystery!" She did this?! "Why?!"

"You wouldn't wake up." Not a good enough answer, gods!

"Bitch." I hissed.


"You are stricter on language than my teachers I swear." I said, my annoyance seeping out of me, I can't stay mad at her long.

"What can I say? Belladonna was persistent which is why I don't usually curse as you know."

"Can you at least dry me off now?"

"Sure." She waved her hand over my head and with a 'shhh' noise the water turned to steam. "There."

"Much better so why did you need to wake me?"

"Well we can't camp out in the same place as that would make us easy to catch and we need food."

"Don't you have seeds of a fruit?"

"I do but that would grow a tree and not a fruit, we'd need bees to pollinate it, have your gem secured?"

"Yep." I pat the pocket I had in this pair of pants.

"I have the fear they can be easily tracked to so that's why we are moving too." She added as she walked off and I followed.

"Oh yeah all the criminals and other participants too, they are hunting us so they must have a way to track us."


We walked for a long while.

"Here." Mystery said as she jumped up to grab a branch and pull herself up to reach hanging apple, dropping me one before grabbing herself one "Tell me if you prefer meat." She said as she jumped off the branch and took a bite out of the apple.

"You don't eat meat tho."

"I know that's why I asked to tell me if you wanted."

"But you'd be killing an animal."

"I know that but I wouldn't go the stupid way of letting the animal suffer, painless death."

"Oh I get it."

It was actually a boring day, spent mostly with talking with Mystery, it almost felt like we were having a long walk and not in a potentially life threatening situation... Almost.


I was smiling, really happy.

"Ah this is easy" I said, happy since why would they attack us now? So much time passed that probably all criminals are gone now.

"Highly unlikely, this isn't normal." Mystery said, looking tense.

I chuckled before she stepped around me with her hands up, arrows bouncing off her red magic.

"You jinxed us!" I yelled at her but she did the same while pulling her blade out and I did too, turning with my back to her.

I pulled my sword free and the opponents on much heavier sword clashed with it.

I held the one handed blade with two against the weight and showed back.

"I am not some defenseless princess!" I tried to stab at the man, he was wearing no armor but he blocked my jab.

I side stepped a swing and stabbed him through the shoulder, making him cry out in pain.

My blade is not rapier but like those blade it is built more to stab then cut even if it had an edge.

I pulled my blade out, bending in half to shove my hips backwards as the bigger sword grazed the belt I was wearing before taking up a much more learnt pose, standing sideways to the man to be a smaller target.

I stepped back at through of his swings, the sword big enough that it took him a moment to change which direction it was moving.

I stepped back against as he hit the ground and stabbed my sword through his throat.

"Eat shit." I chuckled at Mystery's words.

I held the sword even as the corpse went down as I watched how the rest of the group was set ablaze.

I yanked my blade out of the body and looked around as I wiped my blade clean, impressed.

"You are too fast."

"What can I say I am a mage, the all powerful unit." She got that right.

"You kill like fifteen all at once while I could only help with one." I pointed my blade at the dead man.

"Don't beat yourself up for not being able to help, I'll always have a higher kill count." She said as she cleaned off her weapons and sheathed them. "Tho didn't you hear?"

"The screams? Yeah of course." I said.

"No no, I mean just before they were set aflame and even at the very start of the fight, one of them screamed in fear about me being a mage... They didn't know I was one."

"And?" What does that change.

"I think they thought we'd be ease to kill so they concentrated their forces on the others."

"Doesn't make sense they'd have been freed if they killed us because of the deal in place."

"Sometimes you prefer to leave the easiest to last but now... I fear we are being actively hunted..."

.Eyes Of Void.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora