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"--and we resealed it in its box." I listened to Mystery recount the dybbuk accident to my not so happy mother.
This was the war room; a few council men were present, along with all the mages and my family, as this was getting really serious; we all knew these attempts on my life would continue.

"So what do we do now?" A council man said.

"To resume." Belladonna said, stepping up to the evidence. "Soul sucker poison, an ambush, a wild magic attack, a Shade and now a dybbuk box... These aren't the works of someone wanting Eleric to take the throne anymore, no this is pure treason to the crown and an act of war."

"Then what are we waiting for?!" A more violent minded council woman said loudly. "This ring and dybbuk comes from the south and even the soul sucker plant is more abundant down there."

"Are you saying we should declare war of king Malark on simple assumptions?! How do you know it wasn't some of his people and not him?" Calypso said clearly unhappy.

"Maybe it was you, you are from his court, admit you are spyin--" "Council woman Elian that's enough!" Mystery cut her off, her voice was so cold. "Calypso is a mage of her Majesty's court like all of us with no ties to that kingdom and if you would have listened the soul sucker came not from her birth land but from ours and if she'd have been the one behind the Shade or the dybbuk I would have been able to connect the residual magic to her but I cannot and the last little point you forgot... Elementals cannot create Shades as they are pure wild magic being like the Devines."


"Are you really questioning my words council woman Elian? I would know, I was the target of that Shade when they realized I would protect the princess with my life. If it was my fellow mage here that was the traitor, as you insinuate, she'd have come after me first thing she could, they are all knowledgeable to my magical prowess."

"Now that that's settled what shall we do? My sister's life is at danger." Eleric said.

"I'll just stick to a mage being around." I said, laying a hand on Mystery's should and I have the feeling it was not just Belladonna, Eleric and my mother that knew of our relationship from all the looks.

"I can keep her safe." She agreed.

"That I know, you have done many things to ensure her safety already." My mother agreed before the door to the room was slammed open by a guard, panting as if he ran for days. "What is the meaning of this?" Mother wasn't happy about the interruption.

"I am sorry to interpose Majesty but farmer William Gasket evokes the last wish law to see mage Mystery on his death bed."

I looked at Mystery as she pulled herself tense, a pang hitting me in the heart, sad for her. She did loosely tell me about who that man was to her.

"Absolutely not we cannot afford to lose a mage and not one in the tournament." I was shocked she'd refuse her a last chance to see her father before he passed on.

I couldn't hold back my complaint.

"Mother! We can suspend the following trials under the guise of them being given time to prepare." I said, appalled by my mother's words, I'd give everything if it meant I had gotten to say goodbye to my father, she knows that and yet is willing to have her miss that!

"We need her to keep you safe."

"I'll go with her so I am not without her." I can't let Mystery miss her chance, I know how much it would destroy me if I had had the chance but couldn't have gone to see him one last time.

"I'll go with them to ensure their safety." Emersme said right after I finished speaking, he is her best friend as I guessed so of course he'd do his best too.

Mother looked really displeased with this, I could tell she was worried by everything but please mother... She can't miss it...

"Alright, I'll allow it." The council barked up a disagreement storm before she silenced them with a glare. "I'll allow it, you have one week understood."

"yes Majesty." Mystery said, voice neutral.

"Then go prepare to leave, you two too and you mages, never let her out of your sights."

"Right." They both replied.

"Betelwan." Mystery called as we exited making the guard follow after us, I guess they knew each other. "We leave right away, get the food."


She sighed, I feel bad for her.

At least she'll get to say goodbye.

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