
46 4 1

(Time for the chapter that will make me be hated again XD.)

How could she do this?

I still saw the scene clearly, that other woman.... And her.

"Why Mystery?" I asked, having cried, it was earlier in the day I saw them whispering before kissing, right after she left me after I went to check on her for being hurt.

I had been crying for slices of sun but soon anger took over, she was playing with me, using me.

"How dare she?!" I grabbed the potted plant and threw it against the wall.

I ground what was left of the flower under my foot and left my room when a maid came in at the noise she heard.

"Clean up this mess." I hissed.

"Yes Highness."

I marched to the training halls, hoping to work off my fury but no matter how many wooden enemies I cut with my sword nothing eased the pain.

I ended up going to the Dragon's Garden! I will show her to behave like this!

"Oh so you are hiding?" I asked in anger as she wasn't there when I got there. "You low life."

I put a foot up on the fountain, staring into the water as I fumed, how dare a woman like that be made mage? So much power in the hands of a liar.

"Audrey!" So she came to me herself. THE AUDACITY!! "Is everyth--"


My hand whipped out faster then how I thought, hitting her across the face, it felt so good to see her stumble back in pain, a bruise already forming where my hand landed, catching her nose on the way, making blood drip.

A part of my was screaming at me to stop, to not behave like that.... But the part I was listening too was relishing the sting I felt in my hand from the strength of the hit and demanding Mystery to suffer for what pain she knowingly put me through.

Since how long was she playing this double game?

That thought just fueled my anger.

"Audre--" "SHUT YOU MOUTH YOU WHORE!!!" I was pissed, don't you dare look surprised!! "HOW DARE YOU?!"

"Audrey what is going on?"

"Pfff." I forced a laugh before glaring at her. "Don't play innocent you.... You!!" I yet again moved faster then my thoughts.

My anger sparking as she blocked the sword I swung at her with her dagger, reason clouded by pain and anger.

"Audrey what are you on about?!"

I screamed, swinging blindly at her and she blocked each hit.

"You deceiver! Vermin! And good for nothing! Cheater!" One of those words shocked her as I saw her arm drop a little, my blade not blocked.

I froze for a second as my reason broke free from its prison as she screamed out in pain, her face over her face as she backed up, hunched over in pain.

I looked at the blood on the tip of my blade.

I... Mystery....

But anger took over and guilt forgotten along with reason when she looked at me, eyes squinted in pain as I sow the slash she had across her face.

"Audrey I d-did nothing! I don't know what you saw but--" "SHUT IT YOU MISERABLE SLUT!!" I yelled, shoving my sword under her chin, for one moment, a short moment, I was about to jerk my hand forwards, the tip of my sword against her skin but the tears I saw faltered my resolve to end her now. "And it is Highness to you." I sheathed my sword in a hurry, I was more then ready to stab my sword through her throat until I saw her tears, what came over me?

I turned away, marching off, revenge solves nothing and yet I came to look for it, my heart aching.

"Audr-- Highness please!" She yelled, just shut up before I can't hold myself back.... My mother can't risk losing a mage....  "I didn't do anything! I was in my room!" WHAT?!?

"Don't lie to me!! I saw you with that woman with my own eyes!" I whipped around and shoved her hard to get her away from me.

"Highne--" "Do not talk to me!!"

My step faltered when I heard a sob but I pushed through it and walked away.

I laid on my bed, looking out the window before turning my back to it.

It felt like my sword was glaring at me even if it wasn't alive.

I sat up, unable to ignore its call and pulled it out, my eyes gluing themselves to the dried blood on the tip of it.

Now, of all times, guilt finally hit me and I closed my hand around the tip carefully.

Not even she deserved that.

I disfigured her.

What kind of a queen will I be to react like this?

Violent? A tyrant? I can't let it happen....

My hands were trembling so much it was a surprise that I didn't slice my hand open until I finally let go of the tip of it, the dried blood flakes sticking to my palm.

I dropped my sword and closed my bloodied fist and closed my other around it, pressing it against my aching heart as new tears slipped out.

And a sob slipped out.

Why you of all people? Why would you do this to me....


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