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She came.

"Mystery." I whispered, the doubt I didn't know was there melted away.... SHe came for me

"Oh my gods are you alright?" She asked, worried as she looked me over, I sheathed my sword again.

I looked between her and Emersme, she was in her uniform while he only had pants, was she also awake like I?

"Yes yes and now even better." I said with the slightest smile.

"Okay." She turned to my mother as she still was her queen and needed to answer to her first and foremost. "We mages think this is the darkness prophesied, Belladonna says an army dressed in black is attacking the town and the gates on the wall won't hold for much long we need to go now." I glanced at the white spot on her outfit and saw a familiar cat, Nix.

"Wait let me hold her, must be limiting." I helped her free the terrified cat's claws from her clothes and felt them dig into mine, I can understand why she brought it along, it is much safer to keep her on hand then let her run around and maybe trap herself behind flames.

"Em!" Mystery yelled at the other mage who simply nodded at her, it is amazing how they know how to read each other.

She stepped up to the window and stomped her foot on the sill before jumping out it.

Emersme walked over to look out

"Your Majesty, Highness, princess and princes, I will ask you to please trust us like you've done until now." He said, turning to us. "I will need you to take a running start and jump through the window, I will do my best to freeze the flames and Mystery will catch you, no harm will come to you."

Despite what he said worry still gripped me.

"I'll go first." Mother said. "If it is dangerous then it won't be one of my children that gets hurt."

I looked at her, instantly wanted to change places with her but she hiked up her nightgown and just ran at the window.

I saw ice flash over the window sill and around the window, the fire extinguished and my mother just drop.

we all hurried to look outside, water caught her, wrapped around her body to slow the descent and Mystery made the water put her down before looking up at us.

The fire surged forth again.

One after the other we did.

I took a deep breath and jumped, feeling the heat of fire but not getting hurt as the ice covered it.

I fell through the air before something wet wrapped itself around my left leg and up my back, setting me down.

Mystery was not looking at me, Emersme jumping to but he, unlike us, got a bit of smack off the ground but didn't look too roughed up by it.

Mystery threw her staff somewhere while helping him up.

"We need to find the other mages." She said and so we did that.

"Belladonna!!" Emersme yelled after a while as we approached, finally finding another mage, she was standing in front of the castle entrance, looking up at the inferno in deep worry.

"We need to get her Majesty and the children out." She said with clear relief in her voice as she still looked at cold as ever, stepping closer to the mages she raised.

I saw Emersme's eye widen as he saw something on the left and lifted two hands, one which he used the shove Mystery back towards us and the other to spark a shiled of green magic alive.

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