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I was annoyed by all the nonsense Ethan was saying so I excused myself and fled the castle going to one place I knew he wouldn't come and where I'd most likely find company.

"Hey mage Mystery?!" I called entering the dragon's garden.

I smiled as I saw her sit up on one of the roots of the elm.

"I knew I could find you here mage." I said as she sat with her knees bent up and her arms laid out on them, I think I just woke her from a nap as she looks a bit slow compared to her usual self.

"Highness." She bowed in greeting as it is to be done but Ethan would never. "Some troubles yet again?" She asked with her head tilting slightly to the side, like a curious little dog.

"Why you say that?" I asked as I stopped next to the root.

"You usually cross paths with me when troubled and come find comfort in the dragon's garden, a place I enjoy spending time in." Well she does have a point there but it's not really trouble just annoyance in dealing with Ethan.

"I have trouble thinking you are younger than me." I said before I could stop myself, hiding a wince at how impolitely that was worded.

"What does it have to do with anything?" I dug this hole I need to find a way out of it. Good job Audrey, good job.

"It has to do with everything, you are mature, willing to help, console and protect. Many things people so young wouldn't think of. Now I know as mage you are taught these values but I can tell even if you weren't you'd have those traits... And no, ease your worries as I have none that are my own, I just was in search for you." I said, changing the subject with a slight lie as I knew she'd probably be here anyway.

"Well what can I help you with Highness?"

"I came to escape my cousin Ethan before he caught me."

She pulled a face for a second that showed me his hideous reputation between these walls was well known to her, being an elemental was one of the things he was against after all.

"I am sure he'd have just talked about his noble act of war and how he'd be a great and famous king if he ruled while forgetting to mention you'd be the queen Highness." She resumed my whole morning in a sentence.

"That's him without a fault." I nodded.

"Well you came to the right place, he wouldn't come to this place, to simple and pointless in his eyes."

"And I knew you'd probably be here to keep me company."

She smiled, looking like she just thought of something. More and more secrets, how thoughtful.

"Well what can I say the old elm is a dear friend of mine." She said, not trying to go back to talking about plants as if she couldn't understand them and hide that she does.

"I wish I could hear it as you do instead of this occurrence we called the void that I am looking for and we have no archives about since purple eyes are rare and it might be only purple eyes that have this power."

"Maybe I could help out Highness, would be faster and who knows, people have ways of losing words through magic."

"How would that even work?"

"If you wrote with magic, it could only be seen when supplied with magic, that's why many mage teachings look like blank books, to keep the common people from reading into it if they get their hands on them."

"Clever trick."


"So many things us simple people miss out upon." I sighed, really wishing I could have had magic I knew how to use, it is all so interesting.

"Can I show you something Highness? But you must trust me."

"Oh? Are you about to kidnap me?" I joked.

"No I won't give reason to the servants outlandish worries." I laughed, knowing she was right.

"Why yes I trust you mage and you've proved me more times than needed I could trust you with my life." I said as she got up in a crouch and held her hand down to me.

"Grab on Highness."

I grabbed on her forearm and she did mine, easily helping me onto the root.

"Where are we going?" I asked as she still didn't let me go, walking off with an even stronger hold on my arm.

"Up." She said, stepping of the root before a branch reached out to serve as the step under her feet as she ran up the side of the tree and pulled me after, I was a bit scared but I trusted she wouldn't drop me. "Careful now, the elm will catch you if you fall but I do not wish that for you." She told me as she halted her run on a branch and let me go.

I held the bark as I looked around, never having been this high off the ground before.

"Impressive." I said with slight worry slipping into my voice.

She lifted her arms out in front of her and pulled them apart, the leaves shifting to reveal a sunset that cast the world in a golden glow.

"This is..." I whispered, gazing in awe at how pretty she was with a smile and in this light as she watched the sunset, so calm and relaxed.

"Pretty right?" She asked.

"It is." I said before she looked at me and frowned a little for some reason.

"Am I blocking the view Highness? I can move." She said, oh she worried about that.

"What oh, oh no all is good mage, perfect even." I said, still staring at her.

"Alright than." She said, looking back at the sun, no idea she was much more captivating then the sun could ever be for me.

.Eyes Of Void.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt