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"Are you alright, Mystery?" She looked at me, looking away from Arial.

"I am as fine as I can be, Audrey." She sighed through her nose. "Alright, but as you say to me, if something troubles you, you can tell me, I have also lost a father; I know how it feels."

"At least he'll join mother up in the stars." She pointed at the blue sky that would soon turn into night.

"Right but if the burden is heavy I'll help carry it alright?"

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Are you ready?" Emersme asked us, ridding up a black horse with white legs and muzzle up to us with the guard on his all dark brown horse.

"Yeah we are." I said as Mystery nodded, I went to climb my own horse and she did too.

Mystery rode in front with the guard, my horse walking behind but between theirs and Emersme behind mine, me being in the middle of the three of them.

It took so long as we needed to make our way through mountains and Mystery couldn't hurry us without risks, each night two of them would guard us while I got to sleep.

It was getting cold even tho winter was in months, Enersme and I wearing our cape as the guard and Mystery didn't look bothered by the temperature.

We heard the wild life when night fell but it never bothered us, it worried me but neither the guard nor Mystery were, I guess both really came from the same village to have so many similarities.

On the dawn of the fourth day we finally made it over the crest of the mountain and a smaller village came into view.

As we got near I saw people approaching, getting out of their houses to block our way before whispers fused through the crowd.

"I was told my father didn't have much time." Mystery said, jumping of Arial and walking up to a burly looking man.

"He won't make it much longer I am afraid Flames." He said, so her nickname WAS flames and she was not lying.

"I feared as such." I frowned at her pain as he laid a hand on her shoulder.

"You grew in a nice young woman and your actions precedes you... Silver dragon." I smiled, her title reached even here.

"You think he'd be proud?"

"He was proud from the day you were born and you know it but lets go see him in person right?... Welcome home Flames."

"Nice to be back."

We also got of our horses as the guard lead them away, we waited for him to come back before following the man that was the villages leader.

I heard the many whisper of the people, staring at us.

I saw Mystery send a ball of fire down a well.

"Put this in a bucket you lower in after shaking it and it will melt the ice, shake it again and the magical waves shall stop, it doesn't heat up." She handed something to the leader.

"Thank you."

He opened the door of a house and lead us down a hallway before stopping by another door.

"He awaits." He said.

The other mage put a hand over her shoulder.

"We'll wait outside, take your time." Emersme said before pulling his hand away, I nodded in agreement with the guard.


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