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"You took your time coming back here haven't you Arianwyn?" A deep gruff voice said as the darkness was lit up with more crystal torches and I saw a transparent ghostly man stand in the middle of the room, a white glow around the edges.

He was well built and with a full bears, hair and eyes an elm brown with so much gentleness in them but dull, shoving his death, he wore nothing of royalty even if this looked like the Merlin in the drawings, he wore since peasant clothes, loos and comfortable looking.

He wasn't looking at us, all his attention on Mystery.

I heard her struggle to speak and trust me I would too if I wasn't stuck on the fact that her name is Arianwyn and that's the heir's name so obviously she was the heir but how?!

"Oh dear gods that's..." Belladonna whispered.

"It is good to meet you all." He greeted everyone, finally looking at us, trowing his arms out to invite us in the chamber. "Yes I am who you think but only a soul that lives in this tree." He explained, dropping his hands and one over his heart in a soft bow before straightening up.

"Merlin." Mystery finally got a word out. "You knew of this? Every time you told me truth would soon come you meant this?!" She threw down her arms in anger, she had talked to him before?

"You talked to him before?" Everyone is stealing my thoughts today! Emersme was the one to ask her.

"Through the elm young boy." Merlin answered him softly, voice gruff but ethereal a bit, only adding to his death.

"Seems you beat me again didn't you? Speaking to the elm, I never stood a chance." He laughed but Mystery.... Or Arianwyn, didn't react.

"What the hell Merlin? What does this mean?!" She said, temper heating.

"Calm down child." A different voice, a rumbly one, said.

"Oh my god!!" My sister screamed in fear as the rest of us just backed up, except Mystery, as a similarly ghost body like Merlin slipped in through the walls, a silver dragon but it was soon replaced by the woman with silver hair we saw before and the resemblance between her and Mystery slapped me across the face hard.

She just chuckled, shaking her head.

"What does this mean? Any of this! Why did my name open that damned door?!" She jabbed her finger towards the door.

"You already know child." The dragon woman, Seraphim, said.

"No I don't!" She was losing her cool which means she was as lost as we were and she was unaware of this before.

"You sure do." Merlin said.

"This is stupid! I was born to humans!"

"Then explain this." The woman pointed at her hair and Mystery's. "And this." Doing the same with their eyes. "And the fact you turned into a dragon that is completely silver."

"This doesn't add up does it?" She asked, desperately looking at us to disprove what these ghosts were talking about.

"Not exactly but too many pieces of the puzzle you are fit together." Leo said softly which just made her more lost and it hurt my heart.

"I am nineteen! Not millennium old." True

"You aren't but you are technically." Merlin said.


"Well child." Seraphim said. "A hatchling doesn't ages inside the egg, ours was stole alongside the sword you wear, it was made to only serve our child to be, after death our soul lived in this tree because the magic binding us to it was so strong, the egg was lost and found by a fisherman along with the blade, he past it down through the generation, at first because they wanted to tame the dragon that would hatch but was soon forgotten to time and thought to just be a precious stone until one day it cracked and had a baby in it, they raised the baby as a human without telling her of her past as they knew nothing of it either, thinking it was the gift of gods because they couldn't have a child of their own."

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