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I set the basket down near the elm, nervous.

"Okay, I have everything," I said, checking it over and sitting down.

This was an impulsive choice, calling Mystery to meet me here and then having the chef make me this basket of food.

I sighed, way too nervous. Audrey, calm yourself. You are the heir; a simple picnic shouldn't make you nervous.

I leaned my back against the root of the elm and twirled my little braid with my finger.

"Am I intruding on you picnicking?" I dropped my hand to look at the mage. "You did want to talk, but I can come back later." 

"No, no, remain it is no trouble." She nodded, sitting down near me before smiling.

"I thought you'd have taken it off by now," she said, lifting her braid to show me either it or the beads on it.

"Heavens no, it a gift, and who knows how much more luck it brought my way. Have you replaced it? You said you could do that, mage." I said, giving mine a flick to make it sway; yeah, it was a gift, and I'd never part from it if I had a say in it.

"Well, no, not yet." I lifted my hand and gave her a painless slap to the back of the head. "What was that for Highness?" She looked so surprised.

"Do you know how much trouble that might have helped with? You have the brains but refuse to use them sometimes, I swear." I said, all the while grabbing a pre-cut piece of peach pie from the basket and taking a bite, shaking my head; so intelligent yet too careless to use it.

"Well, you might be right; there are many slices of sun remaining. I can get it done by tonight, and since I can fit eight beads on my braid. I can get kitted out."

"We wouldn't like you to lose." I joked, knowing she'd need more unluck then simply losing a bead to lose, she is too strong.

"I wouldn't lose anyway; no person shall marry you unless you want them to." I set the pie down and just slammed my head into the grass in between my legs, hiding the deadly blush and my disdain at how oblivious she kept acting. "Highness?!?!" I lifted myself on my elbows and set my head in my hands when she exclaimed, looking at her. My forehead stings a bit, but I'll survive.

She lifted a hand and brushed blades of grass away from my forehead and hair. How nice of her.

"For being one of the strongest mages, you sure are oblivious Mystery." I noticed I had yet again dropped the title of mage from in front of her name, but I preferred it that way; the mage title puts a ditch in between us as her future queen and my future mage. "It makes me want to bash my head against the ground," I said, even if I had just done that.

"You already did."

"Mystery..." I warned her, somewhat amused.

"I take back what I said."

"Good, but you are oblivious; can't you open your eyes?" It was getting tiring to flirt and nothing to bloom from it.

"I don't get it, Highness. You did tell me you liked someone, and I needed to help them win, but you never said who."

"Oh my heavens." I rubbed my hands over my face, dear gods. "I like a mage Mystery,"

"Well, Leo isn't looking for anyone, nor does Amalia if you lean that way. Calypso is being sized up by the surviving guard, and Emersme has eyes for your elder brother... Belladonna is a bit too old for yo--" I didn't want to hear more, taking my pie slice and throwing it her way to shut her up, but I struck her in the face accidentally. I dropped my head back against the grass and covered it in my hands, a loud sigh of disbelief escaping me.


"You are a mule!" I said, yet again picking my head up to look at her.

"What's wrong?" She asked, wiping the pie off her face. Why couldn't she see what was wrong... Why can't she?

"Oh my gods, Mystery. It is you, for heaven's sake, the one name you didn't list, all the hints, and you oblivious ass can't figure this shit out!" The look on her face said a lot, and it hurt me; she never took it seriously, did she? She was playing with me...

I let out a soft cry and rolled on my back, hands on my face. I was so stupid to think something was there between us.

"I... Well, I never thought." She said, hammering the hurt in... She never thought about us at all... Never.

"You never ever did..." I tried to but failed to hide my sadness as I sat up, looking up at the elm for a moment, remembering the sunset in its branches... That meant nothing, either. Of course, she wouldn't like me, she has no choice but to want me on the throne and to protect me with her life... "That... I guess you do not feel the same." I stood, not looking at her. "Good luck mage, see you tomorrow."

"High--""See you tomorrow." I cut her off; I didn't want to hear her voice anymore or whatever she was trying to tell me. I was a fool. "Now let me leave."

I held my head high, masking my hurt as much as I could, walking away from her without sparing her a glance.

A tear slipped by my defenses when I was far enough away.


I sat in my room.

Thoughts elsewhere.

Watching the little Dragon's Blossom seed I had, sitting in the little pot on the edge of my bedside table.

I wanted to break it.

But I couldn't get myself to go through with it.

So I left it there and glared sadly at it.

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