Leaving, on a jet plane

Start from the beginning

You were walking towards the cafeteria to have some lunch when Arizona pulled you into an on call room.

Arizona: Are you okay? I just have to ask. You seem upset.
Y/n: No, I'm not okay. I don't even really know what just happened.
Arizona: What can I do? Is there something I can do right now to help you?
Y/n: Can we stay here for a few minutes? Just the two of us.
Arizona: We can. Come on lets cuddle in bed. Rest your head on my chest and listen to my heartbeat. It will calm you down hopefully.
Y/n: Does she really think you stole me? It's crazy she wants the three of us to be together forever. Oh and then the fact she said that I'm leaving her alone. Like I'm abandoning her. Like come on, I needed to leave to find out who I really am.
Arizona: It's all a lot. And the word, crazy is just a sweet way to describe it. Don't forget she sort off blackmailed us. She tried to mess it all up and I almost fell for it for not trusting you.
Y/n: I can be your girlfriend and still be friends with others. That's not to hard. I don't get why she acts like this is hard.
Arizona: Lets try to move on and find a way to live with it. As long as you are okay and happy, nothing will break us apart. We are stronger together.
Y/n: Thank you for being here for me.
Arizona: Of course babe. Ready to get some lunch?
Y/n: Only if I get a kiss.

You pulled yourself up and leaned forward to give Arizona a kiss while she rubbed your back. You pulled away, looking into each others eyes for a minute before Arizona spoke up.

Arizona: Pizza and pasta salad to share for lunch?
Y/n: You know me to well.

Your shift was over and you were on your way to the attending's lounge to see if Arizona was ready. You were almost there when you heard some people yelling.

Mark: I get to choose!
Arizona: You can't do that Mark! She is a grown up women.
Mark: She is my little sister. She is coming with me.
Arizona: We had Addison tell us the same. She wants to stay here, you can't decide what she has to do and what not.
Mark: You are nothing to her! You are a nobody. I know my sister and she will always choose my side.
Arizona: Mark, let her decide what she wants.
Mark: She doesn't decide anything. She comes with me!
Y/n: What is going on between the two of you?!?
Mark: It's nothing. We are finished.
Arizona: No, you don't get to do this Mark. It's not nothing at all.
Mark: Maybe you should get the hell out of our lives. You are no longer important. You are just a burden in the end.
Y/n: Woow just stop it Mark. Why are you screaming at her like this?
Mark: She just doesn't understand what we have together. You and me have something special.
Y/n: Stop it now! You don't get to talk about her like that. Tell me why the two of you are fighting.
Arizona: He is leaving and he said you are coming with him.
Y/n: And where is my vote in this?
Mark: You're my sister and you just need to come with us.
Y/n: Sorry, you don't get to tell me what to do. Where are you even going?
Mark: To LA, Sloan needs the best care and Addison will give her that. I will support my kid and grandchild. We need to be a family, so you need to come with us.
Y/n: I make my own decisions Mark. You choose to play father at this moment and you pushed Lexie away, who is probably the love of your life, with that. I'm not going to play a little family, because you tell me to. If we are being a real family I get to choose to be in it and right now you are pushing way to much. You can go to LA, but I'm staying right here. This is my home, she is my home Mark. You have to understand that.
Mark: You choose her over me?
Y/n: No, I'm not choosing anyone, you two are the most important people in my life. I'm choosing the life that makes me happy and guess what, she is the biggest reason I'm happy and smile every day.
Mark: Y/n, I'm sorry. I just want us to be together. I missed you so much the last couple of years. That's why I want you close to me. I just got you back in my life.
Y/n: You need to do what you have to do, but at this moment you need to do this without me. You will be okay, you don't need me around every second of the day.
Mark: Sorry Arizona, she is just my little sister and I want her close to me. I want to protect her.
Arizona: I get that Mark, but you can't boss us around like that. I want to protect her too, although she can protect herself.
Mark: I know that and again I'm so sorry. I don't know why I acted like that.
Y/n: Maybe you were just scared. It's a big change Mark. So when are you leaving with Sloan?
Mark: Tomorrow actually. She needs Addison as the baby is giving her a hard time.
Y/n: We will call every day, I promise. I love you.
Mark: I love you too sis.

You give him a big hug and say goodbye. You change into something more comfortable and so does Arizona. You both were on your way home when you decide to drive to a special place.

Y/n: I will drive somewhere else first before going home.
Arizona: Uhm okay. Y/n, I love you.

You took her hand in your hand and intertwined your fingers and gave it a little squeeze.

Y/n: I love you too Zona. Relax a bit, we will be there soon.
Arizona: What are you doing? I thought we were going home and now you are driving in a total other direction.
Y/n: We have to make a stop first. Just wait and see. You will like it.
Arizona: Uhm okay. Where is this special place? Please tell me some more.

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