You got home just before 6 and went straight to the bathroom. Once you were finished you choose a cute dress to putt on.

Arizona: Look who's all nice and shiny.
Y/n: It's just a dress. So what can I do? Can I help you with something?
Arizona: It would be great if you set up the table. I'm almost finished cooking the Chicken Makhani and rice.
Y/n: You did amazing.
Arizona: Thank you babe, I can't wait to introduce you to my parents.
Y/n: Looks like they are here as there's a knock on the door.
Arizona: I will answer the door.

She kissed your temple before she walked to the door to open it.

Y/n: I'm so nervous.

Arizona opened the door and hugged her parents.  You could feel the nerves in your stomach and tried to put on your best smile.

Arizona: Hey mom, dad. How was your flight?
Barbara : Hi honey, it was fine. Your dad slept the whole time.
Daniel: Give your old man another hug. I missed my little girl.
Arizona: It's so good to see you. I missed you both so much.
Barbara: We missed you too. It's so good to see your face again. So who is that lovely girl?
Arizona: Mom, dad, this is y/n Sloan. She is my girlfriend.
Barbara: It's a pleasure to meet you.
Y/n: Arizona spoke a lot about you. It's so good to finally meet you. So do you want something to drink?
Daniel: It's nice to meet you too. I will have a beer please.
Barbara: For me a sparkled water please, dear.
Arizona: Take a seat. We will have dinner in 10 minutes. 
Barbara: So are you a surgeon aswel?
Y/n: I will become one as I'm now in my intern year.
Daniel: Arizona told me that you were in the army?
Y/n: Yes sir, I was helping doctors and surgeons in Iraq for 3 years after I finished med school.
Barbara: That's so brave. Thank you for working out there. Thank you for serving our country.
Daniel: So y/n, tell me. Why do you love my daughter?
Arizona: Dad!
Daniel: I just want to know if she is good for you. My princess only deserves the best.
Y/n: There are many reasons sir, but the most important ones are that she cares deeply and love others with her whole heart. She has let me believe in love again, because I lost the meaning of love.
Barbara: Oh dear, why was that?
Y/n: I thought I knew what love was, but I know now that I was treated wrong and that it wasn't love. I was in an abusieve relationship and she let me believe that it was love. Arizona opened my eyes and showed what real and true love is.
Daniel: I'm proud of you Arizona.
Barbara: I'm happy for the both of you. I'm sorry you had to go through that dear.
Y/n: It's okay. I have your daughter by my side. Barbara: The two of you seem really happy together.  
Arizona: I am mom. She is so wonderful and she makes me smile like no one ever did. I never felt like this before.
Barbara: How are your parents y/n?
Y/n: Uhm. I-I don't have any. My mom died when I was little and my dad. He left me and my brother when my mother died.
Daniel: I'm sorry to hear that. It must have been hard growing up without your parents.
Y/n: At some points it was, but my brother is much older than me and he took care of me. He means the world to me. I don't know what I would do without him.
Barbara: We would love to meet him aswel. He sounds great. Is he also a doctor?
Arizona: He is. He works at Seattle Grace as head of plastics.
Daniel: I like you y/n and I never said that to any of her other girlfriends. My son would have loved you a lot.
Barbara: He would. You would've become best friends I think.
Arizona: Before we all start crying, I hope everyone likes the food.
Y/n: It's delicious like always. Sir, would you like another beer and something else for you mrs Robbins?
Barbara: Please call us Barbara and Daniel. I would love some wine.

Two weeks later
Arizona: Y/n, are you ready?
Y/n: Almost babe. Give me 5 minutes.
Arizona: Are you going to see Amelia today?
Y/n: I don't know. She is now awake for two weeks and still don't want me to visit her.
Arizona: She is being stubborn, but maybe once she sees you, she will change her mind.
Y/n: Maybe. I'm on Derek's service so maybe we have to see her as her doctor.
Arizona: Yes, maybe. Oh you got a few messages while you were in the bathroom getting ready.
Y/n: Can you read them? Is it the hospital? Arizona?
Arizona: Y/n, what does this mean?
Y/n: I'm coming, what are you talking about?
Arizona: Look at your phone and explain it.

The texts
Unknown: I know your secret.
Unknown: I know about you and Amelia.
Unknown: You can't hide it from your girlfriend any longer. If you don't tell her I will.

Y/n: This is creepy. Who is this and what does it mean?
Arizona: You tell me. Apparently you have a secret that involves Amelia and you don't want to share it with me.
Y/n: Believe me when I say that I have no idea what this is.
Arizona: Do you have secrets for me?
Y/n: No, I don't Arizona, but apparently you don't trust me.
Arizona: It's not that I don't trust you.
Y/n: That's exactly what this is. I'm going to the hospital, please leave me alone and think about the fact if you can trust me for 100%. If that isn't the case then we need to think if we are gonna work out.
Arizona: Y/n, don't go. Please stay. I didn't mean it like this.
Y/n: I need some space.
Arizona: See you tonight?
Y/n: We will see. Bye.

You got to work and did rounds with Derek.

Derek: Uhm Amelia is the next patient.
Y/n: Oh uhm okay. I can wait outside.
Derek: Let me talk to her first and explain that you need to learn from her case. Maybe she lets you in.
Y/n: Okay. I will wait at the nurses station. Get me if she is okay with me being in there.

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