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 Chapter 361 odd

  "I said, why don't you wait for me? I'm exhausted from chasing me all the way."

  The sound was too loud in an empty place, and it felt particularly harsh. The flowers and plants swayed.

  "Stay away, these flowers are moving!"

  Several people quickly retreated to the door, and the flowers and plants kept growing, growing and getting bigger.

  "I'm going, there's something weird here, should we withdraw."

  Le Yun took out a chicken from the space and threw it into the flower bush. In an instant, the chicken was entangled in the flower branches and corroded into a pile of bones.

  "Withdraw, everyone!" Le Yun didn't want to hurt everyone because of her.

  The flower branches are still growing, and some have spread out of the stone fence, chasing Le Yun's group.

  Soon everyone retreated to the stone bridge, seeing that the stone gate was about to close: "Rush out."

  But the speed of running was not as fast as the stone gate was closed, and as soon as it was closed, Jin Yan took out a dagger and placed it across the remaining gap.

  Everyone pulled the stone door inside, but Le Yun did not block the closed door with her spiritual blessing. The stone gate was closed heavily, because there was no way to pull it open from the inside.

  "Jinyan, do you still have the explosives from last time?"

  Jinyan put explosives on the two doors, and everyone returned to the other end of the stone bridge to detonate the explosives.

  The power of the explosives made the entire hall shake, and Le Yun could clearly see that Huazhi had retreated a lot because of the explosion.

  Qi Yizhang and Jinyan went to Shimen to see the explosion, but the whole Shimen didn't move.

  "Le Bao'er, now we can only continue to go down."

  Le Yun looked at the flowers that were about to spread again, and took out a lot of bottles of corpse-destroying water from the space.

  "They can corrode, so can I, smash them all."

  Everyone took the bottle and threw it on the garden wall desperately. The liquid inside was smashed, and the poison was sprinkled on the root of the flower, giving off a faint white smoke.

  The roots of many flower branches were broken and corroded, and the flower branches extending outside stopped moving after a few struggles.

  "Le Bao'er, do you have any knives there? You have to finish the rest of the flowers."

  Le Yun took out a few machetes that she was going to cut zombies in her previous life. Qi Yizhang said that they immediately stepped forward and slashed at the sticks that were sticking out. on the branch.

  Le Yun quickly ran over to sprinkle medicine on the root of the flower, and she also came to the other side to spread medicine.

  It took half a quarter of an hour to get all the flowers and plants, but the smell after corrosion was particularly unpleasant, and I couldn't stop it with a mask.

  "Everyone eats a detoxification pill. I don't know if these gases are poisonous, just in case."

  "Now the Shimen can't be opened, so we can only continue to go down. The original owner here is definitely not a good thing. You know what else is waiting for us!"

  "Lele, why don't we find a place to dig a hole, maybe we can get out!"

  Le Yun nodded: "Then try to dig, let's go and see what's below If you have something, maybe you can find an exit."

  Qi Er took the lead and continued to walk inside. Only through the garden did I feel the main hall, which is very large. In the middle is a small rockery waterfall, with three passages on three sides.

  Le Yun frowned slightly after seeing it with her mental power: "The three passages on the front lead to three rooms, and there are many boxes inside. The three passages on the left lead to Sanchi Qingquan. As for whether the water is poisonous or not, I don't know. I don't know what's blocking my line of sight, and I can't see anything clearly."

  "There's a lot of evil here, and now our main purpose is to find a way. Why don't we explore the channel on the right where we can't see anything clearly!"

  "Lele, let's walk the three passages separately, it's faster."

  Le Yun didn't want any accident to happen: "Let's stay together, so as not to have an accident."

  Qi Er took the flashlight and advanced to the first passage. There was none, so it took about 200 meters to come to the end, with only a stone wall blocking it.

  "There's nothing. Why can't I see what's inside? What's blocking my sight."

  Le Yun released her mental power again, but her mental power couldn't spread out at all.

  "Jin Xin, you can also try it with your mental power."

  Jin Xin concentrated on releasing her mental power, but she was blocked back as soon as it was released.

  "It can't be released by anything."

  Qi Yizhang took a flashlight and searched the stone wall one by one to see if there was any mystery.

  "Le Bao'er, is there something wrong with the stones here? It can be isolated from the prying eyes of the spiritual power!"

  Jin Yan took out the dagger and started to pry the stones on the stone wall, but no matter how hard you pry it, it won't move.

  Seeing that she couldn't find anything, Le Yun didn't waste time any more: "Go the next way."

  In this way, the latter two are the same way, there is no exit, the mental power is isolated, and the stone can't be pried down.

  "If there is still no exit from the other two sides, then we are really trapped here."

  "I still don't believe it!"

  But the spiritual power is like being swallowed up, and Jin Xing is still smashing to death.

  Qi Yizhang hurriedly stepped forward and held Jin Xing: "Don't waste your spiritual power, the walls here can absorb spiritual power."

  "Go out immediately and try the other two sides to see if this is the case."

  Qi Er came to the front three In front of the passage, he held a flashlight in one hand and a machete in the other. In the same passage, Le Yun tried to hit the stone wall with her spiritual power, but was swallowed in the same way.

  There was a wooden door at the end of the passage. Qi Er pushed the wooden door with a machete, and the door opened with a sound. As Le Yun saw, they were all wooden boxes.

  But now I don't dare to touch these boxes easily, Le Yun took out protective clothing and protective masks for everyone to put on.

  "Mental power can be used here. I saw a lot of gold and silver jewelry in the box. I thought it was a small surprise before, but now I suspect that these are bait, it will definitely not be so simple. Everyone be careful!"

  Qi Er provoked it with the tip of a machete The top box lid, lifted off the lid, is indeed gold and silver jewelry, but the color is very dull. Le Yun took out another chicken and threw it on it, and soon the chicken was poisoned to death.

  "I c, fortunately I didn't get started." Jin Xing rubbed his hands on his trousers.

  "The garden in front wants people to die once, and if they can come, they will die for money. The owner here just wants people to die, so there is no other purpose?" Qi Er asked.

  "Jin Yan, put explosives on the wall in the room and see if it can be blasted."

  Le Yun and his party exited the passage, Jin Yan lengthened the gunpowder lead, and ran out after lighting.

  With a loud bang, the entire hall was shaking, and a few stones fell.

  Jin Yan ran in and looked at it again: "It's useless, it's the same as Shimen."

  Le Yun turned around and walked to the passage on the left immediately. The first passage was a clear pool of water. It's never been that simple before.

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