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Kaimana Valencia | December 1995

"Fucking move over." Quinn grunted and shoved Jaxon away from him since he was almost pushed off the seat. "Blimey, Rivers, I love you and all, but I still need space."

"I just love you so much." Jaxon slid closer to Quinn and threw his arms around him, hugging him obnoxiously tight.

Kaimana laughed and leaned back in her seat, Zaiyah sitting on the table in front of her. Kaimana held Zaiyah's hips and her chubby little legs dangled off the table.

Kaimana and her mates never sat in compartments since they seemed so closed and private and they felt too far from each other sitting in them. Instead, they sat in the open part of the train where the booths were, so they were close to each other.

They sat in groups of two—five and four. The groups switched from time to time. Now, Kaimana had Quinn, Jaxon, and Kehlani in front of her, and Elijah next to her.

Aisling, Meleah, Cardin, and Flynn were sitting across from their booth in another booth. They were earshot of each other, so they could still converse.

"Can you both stop?" Kehlani snapped, glaring at them. She had the window seat, but she was still being slightly shoved as the two boys immaturely bickered.

"I love you as well, Lani." Jaxon threw his arms around her head, pulling her into his chest. "I love you so much." He was sitting in the middle of Kehlani and Quinn.

"Fuck off, Rivers." Kehlani groaned and shoved his arms away from her before fixing her curls.

"Fine, I'll just give my love to someone who takes it with no argument." Jaxon rolled his eyes and reached over, snatching Zaiyah from Kaimana's hands. "I love you, Zaiyah." He kissed her head and sat her on his lap, her back to his front.

"She takes it with no argument because she doesn't have the strength to push you off like Reid and Tiller," Elijah pointed out, his forearms crossed over the table and his chin resting on his arm, back hunched.

"Kaimana takes my love with no argument,'' Jaxon said matter-of-factly.

"Is that why she said a two on the scale of one to ten on how much she loves you?" Quinn lifted a perfect brow, his lip upturned into an amused grin.

Kehlani apparently couldn't suppress her snort of laughter. But she pressed her hand over her mouth with the elbow resting on the table, and she stared out the window.

Jaxon's jaw ticked. He looked over Quinn's body and at the booth across, where their other mates were seated. "Flynn, I love you so much," Jaxon called out, holding Zaiyah close to his chest, so she didn't press against the table.

"I love you more, mate," Flynn replied before going back into his conversation with Meleah.

"I love you as well, Ais, and Meleah, and Cardin," Jaxon also called out.

"Okay." Meleah waved a floppy hand at him.

"I love you I guess," Aisling responded with a teasing smile and wink.

"I love you more than anyone here, Jax." Cardin nodded at Jaxon.

Jaxon seemed triumphed as he leaned back in his seat, giving those around him the I told you so look.

Kaimana continued a conversation of something happy and funny, trying to keep her mates from being anxious and nervous about going home. It was the least she could do.

Zaiyah was helping too, with keeping their minds off home. She was very talkative this morning—well, she just babbled and spit up—and she was so smiley, which made Kaimana and everyone in the friend group smile.

Zaiyah got passed around like a hot potato, everyone in the friend group wanting to snuggle with her. Cardin had called dibs for Zaiyah to fall asleep against his chest. So that was where she was when Kaimana fell asleep.

She had made sure Zaiyah had her milk and her baby cookies in case. There was also her favourite baby food in the baby bag. Peas and squash.

Another thing about Kaimana's friend group was that it consisted of all the blood types. At Hogwarts University, nobody really cared about the blood status stuff—unless your name was Lucius Malfoy—and everyone was very inclusive.

Well, some people did care about the blood status, and some of the Purebloods only wanted to be associated with Purebloods. Whether it be their parents' demands, or their own preference and fetish.

But other than that, everyone that attended Hogwarts University were just Wizards and Witches doing their studies to have a great future.

Kaimana was a Halfblood, and so was Kehlani and Meleah. Aisling, Jaxon, Cardin, Quinn, and Elijah were all Purebloods. Flynn was the only Muggle-born.


Kaimana's eyes slowly opened, her nap disturbed. She blinked one, two, three times. "Hm?" she hummed and sat up straight, lifting her head from where it rested on Elijah's shoulder.

"Zaiyah." Quinn, who had Zaiyah now, lifted her, her butt facing Kaimana. "She's still sleeping."

"Oh, shit." Kaimana slapped Elijah's arm to wake him, so she could get up. He moved out of the way, and then slid back into the seat after she stood.

"It smells awful. Do you need any help?" Quinn asked as he handed her the baby, and her baby bag.

"No, but thanks, Q." Kaimana gave him a sheepish smile, holding her baby with her butt facing out since she had an explosion.

He gave her a smile before she walked off to the bathroom.

When Kaimana got to the bathroom, she shut the door and locked it. She held Zaiyah with one arm, and unpacked her baby bag before dropping it to the floor. She sprawled a blanket on the very small counter by the sink before washing Zaiyah's butt in the sink.

She undressed her baby and leaned her chest against her own arm. She lowered Zaiyah into the bowl of the sink and rinsed her bum.

Zaiyah was squirming, whining and crying as Kaimana cleaned her up.

"I know, baby, but Mama needs to clean you, okay?" Kaimana cooed, and quickly finished rinsing Zaiyah's bum.

She laid Zaiyah out on the blanket and continued to talk to her baby to stop her from crying and fussing.

Kaimana scrunched up the poop-stained clothes and put it to the side. She took out the wipes and diapers and changed Zaiyah, patting baby powder on her belly, back, and neck.

Zaiyah was getting more fussy. She began to cry and squall as Kaimana tried to finish up as quickly as possible.

She tossed the poop-stained clothes into a plastic bag she had in her baby bag for emergencies and pulled out the change of clothes she had for her baby.

Kaimana had taken off Zaiyah's winter gear earlier since it was getting a bit warm on the train, so she was relieved that her winter gear was still poop-free.

She changed Zaiyah into a new onesie and by the time she was done, Zaiyah was wailing.

"Mama's sorry, darling," Kaimana crooned, and rocked Zaiyah, holding her to her chest with her hand gently on the back of her head. "I know you don't like that and I know you've never been out for this long, but we're almost there. I promise."

Zaiyah's baby cries were so cute, but so heart twisting at the same time. She had a different cry for everything. When she had bad dreams, she would cry a genuine cry, and her lips would form into a frown before a pout.

"Shhh..." Kaimana hushed, and continued to rock Zaiyah, still in the bathroom. "Go to sleep." She kissed her baby's head, taking a whiff of Zaiyah's usual baby smell.

But sometimes Zaiyah smelled like sour milk, which Kaimana had grown familiar with.

Kaimana began to sing softly, a small lullaby to help her baby girl sleep.

Taking care of other people on this day was easier for Kaimana to do then remember what else happened during the holidays when she was seven.

Yet another dark secret that consumed Kaimana.

But this secret was shared with her father.

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