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Draco Malfoy | May 1996

"Have you heard?" Pansy asked as she poked a strawberry through her fork.

"Heard what?" Theodore took a gulp of water from his goblet.

"It'll be officially announced that Astoria ran away," Pansy said quietly.

Draco's head lifted from where it hung low, brows shot up in intrigue.

"There was a transaction at the airport." Pansy's voice lowered even more as she swirled her fruit around the leftover syrup on her plate. "A ticket to Prague."

Draco suppressed his smile.

"She ran away," Theodore echoed, almost in disbelief. He was shaking his head slowly too. "I can't believe it. Wow. I mean, you hear about people running away all the time in the Muggle World, but no one at Hogwarts ever runs away."

"How do you know this?" Blaise asked Pansy.

"My father works at the Ministry and he told me about it over a letter last night since I asked. It's going to be on the Daily Prophet tomorrow morning," she explained, and stabbed another strawberry with her fork before putting it in her mouth.

"Daddy's princess," Theodore and Blaise muttered in unison.

Pansy rolled her eyes at the comment because as much as she denied it, Draco, Theodore, and Blaise all knew she was a Daddy's girl, and not a Mummy's girl. Pansy was spoiled tremendously by her doting father. He treated her like a princess.

"Malfoy, are you still cross with me?" Blaise asked quietly.

Draco looked up and met his friend's eyes from across the table. "Are you done being childish and immature?"

"I don't understand how I was being immature." Blaise sounded so defeated and desperate.

"I don't even know why Draco's angry with you either," Theodore added, between his brows creased into a frown.

"I do." Pansy gave a smug smile.

"How do you know?" Blaise's eyes narrowed into slits, looking at the girl.

"Because I'm observant unlike you two." She gave a laugh, shaking her head.

"Well, Theo's observant," Draco said evenly. "He just hasn't been lately since his tongue's always down Aisling's throat."

Theodore's face bloomed bright red. "Well, what about you, Malfoy?" he shot back. "You're always disappearing out of the blue and then you show up a while later with a huge-ass grin."

"Because I'm just happy." Draco shrugged his shoulders. "Can't a guy be happy without it having to do with someone else?" Even though it was in fact because of someone else.

"No," Theodore and Blaise said in unison.

"Can we talk about me, the gay friend, now?" Pansy piped it and all eyes went to her.

"Go on," Draco insisted, nodding. He put his fork down, not really in the mood for lunch. "How are things with Mai?"

"Great!" she beamed, and her eyes brightened impossibly more than Draco had ever seen. "She is literally the sweetest thing and it's amazing because her love language is physical touch, and so is mine, so we just fit. Aisling wasn't lying when she said Mel's a ball of energy."

"That's wonderful, Pans." Draco flashed his friend a sincere smile.

"Okay, great. Now, Malfoy, why are you mad at me?" Blaise was sounding more annoyed now.

"Holy fuck, Blaise," Draco snapped in frustration, glaring at said boy. "Our best friend is talking about how things are going with the girl she fancies, and all you could think about is why am I angry with you?" He scoffed and rose from his seat. "Like I said before, grow the fuck up."

He left the Great Hall, feeling pissed off. His first instinct was to find Kaimana because he found peace with her, but then he remembered she was in her Charms class.

He debated on sabotaging the class just so he could hold her and see her, but he figured it was best not to.

He had already been to the gym this morning when he didn't have classes, so that was out of the question since he didn't want to have a bulky body.

Instead, he went to the library to look through the research he copied from Kaimana's notes about the Draught of Displease.

They found all they could about the potion, and now the only thing they had to do was figure out who drugged him. Now, it was a fact that he was drugged, and he knew it himself.

"Do you see how gentle you are with me?" Kaimana had said to him when he gently stroked her hair out of her eyes and admired her shamelessly as she did research about the potion. "You're always making sure I'm okay and comfortable. You're always gentle and sweet with me. Do you really think you're capable of what happened to me that night? I don't."

And he believed her when she said it.

He knew he wasn't capable of what happened to her that night. He would never dare to hit a lady, especially not someone he found peace in and committed a crime for.

Draco walked into the library and went to the usual aisle they went to with the potions and serums.

He had to suppress his reaction of surprise when he saw a familiar Ravenclaw in the aisle, flipping through the book Kaimana was looking through a few nights back. The book with potions and serums.

"Oh, Malfoy." Zander Riley closed the book with furrowed brows. "What are you doing here?"

"This is a public library made for the students who attend the school," Draco bluntly pointed out. "I'm a student and I'm attending this school and I'm in the library."

He would be lying if he said he didn't feel a flash of hot anger in his blood when he saw Zander in this aisle. They barely crossed paths, and ever since Kaimana told Draco about when Zander raped her, Draco just felt nothing but anger and vengeance against Zander.

"What are you doing here?" Draco asked the question back, burying his free hand in his trouser pocket as the other one tightly gripped the strap of his book bag over his shoulder.

"Just stuff for an assignment." Zander smiled and slid the book back onto the shelf. "I'll see you around." He walked away and out of the aisle from the opposite side Draco was standing.

He had to compose himself from throwing himself at Zander and beating the living hell out of him for what he did to Kaimana.

Zander walked around like he wasn't a fucking rapist. Like he wasn't a fucking monster. And it made Draco sick and enraged.

Draco went to where Zander was just standing and pulled the book out he was just looking at. There was a white feather between one of the pages, so Draco flipped it to the page that was marked.

He held the book with one hand sprawled against the spine, and scanned the page briefly with brows wrinkled in seriousness.

Now, in the book wasn't the detailed information about the Draught of Displease potion like the book Kaimana had signed out.

But like Kaimana's research book, this book listed the ingredients needed to make a Draught of Displease.

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