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Kaimana Valencia | September 1996

"Don't be daft, Harry," Kaimana drawled in frustration. "You can't just go assuming Malfoy's a Death Eater without actual proof." She was sitting at the armchair by the fire.

Zaiyah was standing on the floor in front of the coffee table, scribbling in a Muggle-colouring book Madam Pomfrey got for her.

"I don't see how he can't not be a Death Eater, Kai," Harry bit out angrily. "His father was one. His family is literally associated with Voldemort."

"His family is associated with Voldemort." She scoffed in derision. "What does that prove? It proves that Voldemort is associated with them, but it doesn't mean Malfoy is a Death Eater."

"Why are you protecting him?" he snapped, his jaw ticking.

"I'm not." She lifted her shoulders. "I'm just saying don't go assuming and spreading word that he's a Death Eater if it's not even true."

He just shook his head, staring into the fire in the common room. He was sitting on the couch, arms folded over his chest, and he was visibly tense.

"Kaimana, you are protecting him," Hermione pointed out matter-of-factly. She was sitting on the armchair across from Kaimana, a book in her lap.

"Hermione, I did not ask for your input." Kaimana matched the girl's tone, getting irritated by the way Hermione was staring at her.

"No need to be a git, Kai," Ron spat as he came around the couch to sit next to Harry.

"No need to be a kiss-ass, Ron. I'm sure she'll still suck you off if you tell her she's brilliant." Kaimana had no clue why she was being so rude, but she felt protective and defensive over Draco—obviously.

"Shit, Valencia." Dean clearly heard as he came from the boys' dormitories. "You're extra feisty today."

Kaimana just shrugged and toyed with the string of her friendship bracelet.

"She's protecting Malfoy," Hermione felt the need to say, again in a way that irritated the fuck out of Kaimana.

"You are?" Dean's dark eyebrows drew together as he sat on Harry's free side. "How daft could you be, Kai?"

"I'm not protecting him." Kaimana exhaled a heavy, annoyed sigh. "I'm merely stating that Potter shouldn't make assumptions before knowing the facts."

"And I'm sure you know the facts, don't you, Kaimana?" Harry bit out contemptuously. "Tell us. What are the facts if you're being such a bloody smart-ass?"

"Can you lot fuck off?" Quinn's rough voice spoke as he came from the boys' dormitories too. "Don't fucking bite her head off."

"She's defending Malfoy, Quinn," Ron drawled with a hard expression.

"She's not defending Malfoy, Ron," Quinn said protectively, and sat on the arm of Kaimana's chair. "She's just telling you not to get your bloody fucking panties in a twist just because the Death Eater numbers are growing and the Malfoys are associated with Voldemort. Did any of you actually hear Draco Malfoy say he's a Death Eater? Did any of you even read that information—word for word—anywhere on the Daily Prophet? Do you see him doing suspicious things?"


"Exactly. So instead of attacking her like a bunch of prats, make sure you know the actual facts and aren't just feeding off your suspicions," Quinn spat, and went to pick up Zaiyah. "Let's go, Kai." He strode out of the common room, clearly angry that she was getting ganged up on.

Kaimana caught up with Quinn. "Thanks, Q," she said softly.

"You're welcome," he murmured, and held Zaiyah on his hip. "But, angel, tell me you weren't actually defending Malfoy though. I mean, I get he's your baby daddy, but he most likely is a Death Eater."

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