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Kaimana Valencia | June 1996

Kaimana kissed Zaiyah goodnight when she was fast asleep in her crib.

Meleah insisted that she could watch her since she wasn't busy and she knew about Draco's birthday, so she wanted Kaimana to go and have fun, which she said and winked.

So Kaimana left the dorm after blowing a kiss to her roommate. But instead of going to the Slytherin common room, she went to the Ravenclaw. As she walked, she pulled out leather gloves from her back pocket and slipped them on.

It was almost midnight, and she wasn't supposed to meet Draco until later. She already had stuff set up at the Astronomy Tower for a little birthday dinner for him, so she had extra time.

The closer she got to the Ravenclaw common room, the higher her adrenaline was and the higher her anger was bubbling beneath her skin.

She said the password to the common room and walked straight up the boys' dormitory stairs, grateful for the empty common. She was being impulsive and she wasn't thinking clearly, but she needed to do this. Or more like wanted to. She wanted to make him pay.

She raised her fist and knocked hard on the door.

The door opened and his eyes widened in surprise. "Valencia," Zander said dully. He looked the same as he did when they dated. Lean, green eyes, bushy and messy black hair. He was tall, but only about two inches taller than her. "The fuck's up with the gloves?"

"I turned into a germaphobe." Kaimana quickly noticed his dorm was empty and he was alone. She smiled at him. "Can I come in?" she said, her voice sweet like honey.

"Why?" Zander looked tentative.

"I just want... I want to talk." Kaimana's voice deliberately got smaller, her eyes doe and big. "I want to apologize."


"Let me in, Zander."

His jaw clenched and unclenched as he observed her swiftly for a moment. Then he moved to the side and opened the door wider for her to come in.

Kaimana walked in, scanning the room. The room she got raped in. It looked the same as it did when he raped her. The smell of the dorm nauseated her as much as it piped and scorched her anger.

She heard the door close and she turned to face him. She locked her gloved fingers in front of her, staring at him with a soft expression.

"You wanted to apologize." Zander's tone was blunt. He leaned against the door, folding his arms over his chest and crossing his legs by the ankles.

"I do." Kaimana nodded and swiped her tongue across her lips. "I want to apologize for being awful during our relationship."

"Why d'you care about our relationship now? That was two years ago, Valencia." His eyes were sharp and it was sickening to look at him, but she kept a good front.

"Because I feel bad about how things went down," she mumbled, her eyes lowering to the floor before she lifted them to meet his gaze once more. "And I feel bad about how I acted during our relationship. I was being bratty and spoiled and I never appreciated the things you did for me."

"Good to see you've opened your eyes," he said, his intense gaze never leaving her. "But it's also clear you've moved on since you've got a baby." Hearing him talk about her baby made her furious.

"I do," she said evenly. "But I... things with her father didn't work out. I only realized how much I missed you." Lies. Lies. Lies. They spilled out of her so gracefully.

"You miss me?" He sounded confused and she knew she caught him off guard.

She nodded eagerly. "I miss you, Zander," she said gently.

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