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Draco Malfoy | December 1995

Draco shut his dorm door and walked down the boys' dormitory hall, down the stairs, and into his common room with his trunk in hand. He dropped his trunk by the couch before walking up the girls' dormitory stairs.

"Tori?" His knuckles rapped against his girlfriend's door. "Do you need help with your trunk?"

"Come in!" she shouted from inside.

He opened the door and shut it behind him. His eyebrows raised at the mess in front of him. "Astoria, you know the holiday is only for two weeks, right?"

Astoria waved a dismissive hand at him, walking around in her undergarments as she packed her things in her already abnormally large trunk.

Clothes were all over the place, her drawers were opened with clothes hanging from the edges, and her bed had another two smaller trunks on it, opened. Her clothes weren't even folded and set properly in her trunk.

"Surely you have clothes at your Manor?" Draco walked towards her bed to scan the progress of her packing.

"I do, but I brought all my good clothes here," she told him, and tossed a pair of expensive looking formal pants into her trunk.

"Aren't all your clothes good?"

"By good, I mean my favourites, darling." She chuckled and went to kiss his cheek in greeting. "You look extra handsome this morning."

"Thank you." He dropped a kiss on her head before helping her fold her clothes properly. "And why aren't you wearing clothes?"

"I got hot trying to look for my white heels." She pointed at the bottom of her bed, where said shoes were sitting in their box. "Guess where they were?"

"Next to Lupin's bed, along with your clothes."

"Very funny," she said sarcastically, and rummaged through her drawers. "They were under Asha's bed. Cheeky girl probably wore them out without me knowing."

"Oh." Draco nodded, folding one of his girlfriend's jumpers. "Who's Asha?"

"My roommate," Astoria responded slowly, turning to face him with narrowed eyes. "How do you not remember who Asha is?"

He shrugged. "I'm supposed to pay attention to your brunette roommate?" He shot her a brief glance, brows arched

"She has ginger hair."

"Explains why I don't pay attention."

"How does that explain why you don't pay attention?"

"Because gingers give me a rash."

"That's not very nice." She tilted her head at him.

"I'm not nice."

Astoria scoffed and shook her head, going back to looking through her drawers. "You know, that Weasley boy probably didn't even mean to—"

"Tori, I told you not to talk about that," Draco said sharply, his jaw muscle twitching.

"Fine, sorry."

Draco was hoping for Astoria to keep talking about anything, because if she stayed silent, he wouldn't have anything to distract him from the racking stress and nerves he was feeling.

He was going back to his Manor and that one letter his father sent him was still fresh, simmering at the top of his mind.

But Astoria stayed quiet.

The one time he wanted her to talk, she didn't. How wonderful.

Draco could guess that whatever his father wanted to discuss had a big fat thing to do with the fact that Voldemort was back. From where? Draco couldn't care less.

Voldemort, or Tom Riddle, to be specific was very close with Lucius. Well, actually, Lucius never met Voldemort slash Tom Riddle.

Lucius grew close with Tom Riddle through the stories and things his own father had told him since Lucius' father knew Tom.

So some would say that Lucius looked up to Tom, but Draco thought that was a bit stupid. Tom was never and had never been even a half decent human.

Maybe that was where Lucius picked it up from.

Tom had actually attended Hogwarts University as well, and Dumbledore always refused to speak of his time with Tom.

All anyone ever knew was that Tom was a troubled boy, never with good intentions for anything. He came from a family who valued the idea of looking good to others rather than care and affection—like the Malfoys.

Tom had probably taken whatever mantra his father said along the lines of that wrongly and retaliated just to show his father who was boss. Who the better bad man was.

After Tom's years at Hogwarts he had sort of just disappeared for a while. Then it was announced he had died—no one knew how, no one knew why.

He was involved with a group of people called Death Eaters before he died though. The group was awfully horrible, but they didn't do anything horrible back then because the group was fairly small.

But Tom was apparently back from the dead, and he was called Voldemort now. And it was definite that he had more followers than before.

If Draco was being honest, he got the chills when he saw Tom Riddle's most recent photograph in the Daily Prophet.

All those veins on his bald head. What happened to his hair? And most importantly, his nose?

Truly a child's worst nightmare.

Draco couldn't imagine his own life without his hair. It was one of his best features.

He didn't slick it back like he used to when he was younger. He just combed it and let it fall loosely over his forehead, and he would just run his fingers back through his hair to get the strands away from his eyes.

As Draco and his mates and his girlfriend walked to the Hogwarts express, he heard very faint babbling and baby giggles, and for a second he thought he was just hearing things. He lifted his head from where it hung low and looked over his shoulder.

All the way at the back, probably the back of the whole crowd, was Kaimana and her friend group.

Draco and his mates and Astoria weren't too far from Kaimana and her own mates, but they were still all the way at the back.

He saw Kaimana holding her mystery baby on her hip as she spoke to that Meleah girl. Draco saw Jaxon on Kaimana's free side, holding two trunks and a baby bag over his shoulder. Probably Kaimana's and that mystery baby's stuff.

The mystery baby was bundled up in a red jumpsuit for winter, hood on, gloves, boots, and probably sweaters underneath and a hat.

Kaimana was wearing her own winter gear, snowflakes falling gracefully on her long dark hair where it rested in front of her shoulders.

Draco turned away and continued walking.

He and his mates, and Astoria took a seat at their usual spot after getting their trunks settled. He sat next to Astoria, Pansy on his other side. Theodore and Blaise in front, per usual.

"Draco, do you think you're going to be seeing the infamous Voldemort during the holiday?" Theodore asked curiously, leaning back in his seat.

Draco grinned. He just couldn't help it. It was ridiculous. "We'll just see, won't we?" he replied, feeling the blood beneath his skin ripple in discomfort.

"Do you think he's here for a Christmas party?" Blaise said so bluntly, yet so full of sarcasm.

"He gets the head of the table this instant," Pansy responded seriously.

"And he gets to cut the meat served at the feast." That was Theodore now.

"And he gets to be the first to make a toast," Blaise added, now grinning.

The three of them snickered and continued to make jokes.

Draco shook his head exasperatedly and closed his eyes. He let his head knock back, arms folded over his chest.

Happy holidays to him.

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