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Draco Malfoy | May 1996

This changed everything.

This changed literally everything.

The second he had picked up the baby and looked into her doe eyes that were so much like Kaimana's, but pale blue, everything changed.

The second Kaimana said okay, everything changed.

He had a kid—baby more like.

He had a daughter.

With Kaimana. The girl he was assigned to...

Oh, God.

The task.

Holy fuck, the task. This was just supposed to be a task.

It was never supposed to be... it was never supposed to be him falling in love with Kaimana. It was never supposed to be him finding out about the daughter she hid from him.

It was never supposed to be him finding happiness.

Draco had been unable to blink a second of sleep since the realization dawned on him. So because of this, he really needed to speak to Snape. Like really needed to speak to him.

The second breakfast was served and classes began, Draco was already ready to leave his nasty dorm. He took long and quick strides to Snape's classroom, where he would be preparing for his first class.

"Professor." Draco let himself in and shut the door behind him before approaching Snape's desk.

"Draco." Snape stood from his desk and walked in front of it to lean on. "Your update isn't supposed to be until tomorrow."

"I know, but I have to tell you something." Draco was speaking urgently as he paced back and forth, nervously toying with his rings. "It's really important and it changes a lot of things about the task... I think. Well, for me at least."

"What is it?" Snape seemed intrigued and very bemused.

"Right, so I—"

"Stop pacing, Draco, and look at me."

Draco nodded repeatedly and rubbed a hand over his face, turning to face the Professor. "So I lied when I told you I was getting nowhere with Clover," he said firstly, tapping the toe of his black shoes on the stone ground.

"You don't say." Snape's eyes narrowed into slits.

"Right, well, she and I are actually very... close, and we make-out a lot—sorry, that's not really relevant." Draco shook his head, running a hand through his hair. His heart was beating too quickly for his liking. "But the point is, we're close and she trusts me more than anything, and I know her weaknesses, and I feel the same way with her."

"So you fell for your task?"

"She's not just a task, Professor," Draco snapped defensively, his jaw tight. "She's..." His features loosened and so did his jaw at the simple mention of his lady. "She's my Clover."

"Right," Snape said, nodding slowly. He still seemed confused. "What's the part of this that changes the task?"

"You know how the Dark Lord said that I needed to get Clover to trust me with her baby too?" Draco's voice was lowering and his palms felt clammy.

Snape gave a nod.

"The baby is mine," Draco blurted out, his eyes wide at the words coming from himself.

Snape's eyes were saucers and his lips gaped. He fell silent for a second. "Y— wait, you mean to tell me that you're the father of Valencia's baby?"

"That's exactly what I'm telling you." Draco nodded vigorously. He was suddenly thirsty for water. "My sperm helped create that baby. My sperm canoodled with Clover's egg. And then boom"—he imitated an explosion with his hands—"baby."

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