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Draco Malfoy | August 1996

"Why didn't Aunt Bellatrix come to the funeral, Mother?" Draco asked as he moved around the kitchen to make lunch.

"She..." Narcissa drew off with a soft, but heavy sigh. She was seated at the table in her robe, her head in her hands. "I suppose she's been with the Lord lately."

Draco actually tried to get his mother out of bed earlier, but she didn't actually cooperate until noon came around. It really did pain him to see his mother like this, even though Lucius was vile.

"Eggs with your toast, Mother?" Draco moved to the fridge to grab eggs after dicing fruit.

"Anything's fine, my boy." Her voice was soft, yet so weary.

Wanting his mother to eat more, he grabbed two eggs and a pack of breakfast sausage. She hadn't been eating much lately, or drinking anything.

"The Lord hasn't come around here in a bit," Draco mentioned as he took a pan out of the bottom cupboard. "What's he doing?"

"Severus has been keeping me updated," Narcissa said quietly, hugging herself as she leaned back in her chair. "If I remember correctly, the Lord is recruiting his Death Eaters."

"More people are standing with him?" He couldn't hide the disbelief in his voice as he cracked the eggs onto the hot pan.

"Don't talk like that, Draco," she hissed, and sniffled. "He's your Lord. You must respect him."

"I do." Not.

"Has Severus been helping you during your task?" she asked, and stood from the chair. She walked to the kettle and grabbed it to fill it with water. "I forgot to ask you before."

"He's been helpful," Draco said, and plopped a few breakfast sausages on the hot pan. He made sure not to mention that he knew she did an Unbreakable Vow with Snape.

"Good, good." She sighed and leaned against the counter after putting the kettle on. "How are you, dear? I know I've been all over the place since your father died... but I'm still here, okay?" She smiled weakly at her son.

He smiled at his mother. "I'm okay," he lied because he wasn't okay. He was fucking fantastic. "Getting through it, I suppose."

"I appreciate all you've been doing." Narcissa crossed to him and cupped his face in her trembling hands. "Thank you, Draco." She kissed his cheek.

"Of course," he replied softly.


Draco's brows drew together in confusion when he heard a tap on his window.

But then he gasped in excitement—was it Kaimana? Did she write to him again? Even though she said she wouldn't.

He stood from his bed and walked to his window. His excitement only flared more inside his blood.

Kaimana's owl.

He opened his window and took the letter as he stroked the owl with his other hand. The owl then flew off and he closed his window.

He walked to his desk at the same time as he ripped the envelope open. He dropped into his chair and pulled the folded parchment out.

Dear Draco,

If you were expecting a letter from my daughter, I'm not sorry for disappointing you. I'm her father, and she's told me very interesting things. Meet me in the abandoned alley of Diagon Alley now.

Stephen Valencia

Well, Draco's excitement did deflate.

But he went rigid as he read the last line.

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