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Kaimana Valencia | February 1996

Kaimana had quit helping out at the Hospital Wing because of Draco.

If he was going to keep injuring himself just to talk to her and get time with her, she would just quit.

And she did exactly that.

She wanted to cry and shout when he showed up injured and triumphant just to talk to her. She wanted to fucking sucker-punch him in the face after he started to press on about why she avoided him. She wanted to kick him in the groin after he still didn't stop after she blurted out what she didn't mean to.

And the worst part was she noticed him paying more attention to her.

She was actually going to lose her mind.

Draco Malfoy never paid attention to her after their hookup. Yes, before, he would cross paths with her or be in her class, but she would avoid him when she could.

And then all of a sudden, he was paying attention to her? That was strange. Very, very strange.

He didn't have a girlfriend anymore. Kaimana knew that, everyone knew that. It was like the minute that Draco and Astoria were over, he began to pay more attention to Kaimana.

Kaimana didn't trust him one bit.

So from now on, she was going to avoid him some more, but to an excessive extent.

Like now. She was currently avoiding him and hiding by walking behind a large group of fifth years. Luckily, they were walking past the class for Arithmancy, which was her first class for the day.

Kaimana slipped from behind them and into the classroom.

"Hey." She sat down next to her assigned deskmate at the back of the class.

"Hey." Flynn shot her a smile. "What took you so long?"

"I was hiding," she whispered serenely, and set her book bag by her feet.

"From what? Peeves?" he whispered back, confused.

"No." She shook her head and put her textbook and ink on the desk. "Peeves is scared of me."

Flynn snorted a laugh. "I forgot," he said, and nodded. "That was cruel what you did, Valencia."

"He did it first, so I did it back." She shrugged and tossed her hair over her shoulder, so it wasn't in her way. "Teach him a lesson not to sneak up on me or else I'll scare him ten times more."

"Lani, pass me my tub of ink!" Flynn shouted to Kehlani, who was sitting in the front row. "You still didn't give it back!"

"Catch!" Kehlani stood and tossed the closed tub of ink overhand, over the heads of the three rows of students between them.

Flynn stood and caught it before it could shatter onto the desk. "Thanks!" He sat back down.

"Please, no throwing objects in my classroom." Professor Septima Vector walked into the class.

"Sorry, Professor," Kaimana heard Kehlani and Flynn say at the same time.


"Zai, darling." Kaimana sighed, standing outside her dorm with the door opened, so she could see her daughter. "Come on. Everybody's waiting for us. We need to go, baby."

Zaiyah was waddling around the dorm in her diaper, laughing, because she thought Kaimana was playing.

"Why did you take off your clothes?" Kaimana knocked her head back in exhaustion. "Can one-year-olds even undress themselves?" She walked into the dorm to put clothes back onto her daughter.

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