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Kaimana Valencia | December 1996

"Okay, I was actually going to talk to Quinn about it first, but I changed my mind. I'm just going to tell you all together," Kaimana said, sitting on her bed, legs criss-crossed.

All her mates stared at her, scattered around the dorm. Zaiyah was playing with her toys on the ground, occupied.

Kaimana licked her lips nervously, her lower stomach feeling bubbly.

"Come on, Kai," Cardin encouraged warmly, curiously. "Spit it out." He was sitting at the corner of her bed, legs draping off the bed.

So in a rush, she told them everything—leaving out the fact that her lady mates knew before the guys, so she didn't throw them under the bus.

She told them about her and Draco seeing each other. About how he was given the task to get close to her and to gain her trust. About how he was actually a Death Eater.

About how Voldemort was working with the Malfoys, and Draco was chosen for the task. About how Bubbas was actually Draco, but behind a code name. About how Voldemort came back for Kaimana, to seek revenge.

About how Voldemort's stepdaughter was Kaimana's mum. About how Voldemort's plan was to kill the rest of the Valencia bloodline for the disappearance of Aimee Dizon—not mentioning the fact that Kaimana killed her, but simply saying Voldemort blamed the Valencia family for the disappearance of Aimee. About Kaimana telling her father to flee for safety.

Kaimana told them everything they needed to know—leaving out the murders, the situation about the traumatic night and the story behind it with Draco, the fact that she was raped by Zander, and the reason why she never drank or smoked.

By the end, when she finished talking, all her mates were speechless and staring at her as if she had seven eyes.

"So, feel free to let it sink in... and you can ask questions if you— uh— if you have any." She smiled tensely, toying with her dragon jade pendant on her necklace. "And it would be greatly appreciated if you don't tell anyone."


"Okay, wait..." Quinn was the first to speak as he adjusted his position in the armchair. "So you were defending Malfoy?"

"Evidently, yes."

"Your mum was Voldemort's stepdaughter?" Flynn seemed baffled. He was sitting on the floor, leaning against the dresser.

"Hard to believe, I know."

"Voldemort wants to kill you and the rest of your family because he knows you had something to do with Aimee's disappearance?" Kehlani asked dubiously, sitting with Jaxon on Meleah's bed.

"He blames me for her disappearance, and wants to end my bloodline," Kaimana clarified.

"Malfoy's a Death Eater?" Elijah asked, seeming as though he couldn't comprehend.

"Not by choice. Draco told me his father owed some stuff to Voldemort before he killed himself, so Draco and his mum are repaying Voldemort by being a part of his... being a part of whatever he's doing," she said, watching her friends' expressions intently. "Voldemort told Draco he'd give Narcissa hell if he didn't comply."

"Does... does anyone else know that Draco's the father of Zaiyah?" Meleah asked, confused, as she sat on the edge of her bed, legs crossed.

"Snape knows," Kaimana replied evenly, "He knows Draco's the father, but no one else does. Snape and Voldemort and all them don't know that I know about this though. Draco told me Snape is protecting him because he made an Unbreakable Vow with his mother."

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