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Draco Malfoy | January 1996

Why did she have a panic attack and run from him?

Why was she sobbing uncontrollably, backing away from him like he was a monster?

Why did she scream when his skin touched hers?

Why did she refuse to let him help her through her panic attack?

Why did she want him to stay away from her?

But most importantly; why did she flinch at his gentle touch?

Draco didn't know the answer to any of those questions. And those weren't even all the questions he had.

Kaimana seemed so distraught when Draco went near her and touched her hand to help her up.

Truth be told, he still didn't break up with Astoria.

That encounter he had with Kaimana, when she started crying when he touched her hand to help her from the floor, that was their first encounter since holiday ended, which was almost a week ago.

Draco took his time, because Voldemort said it was no rush. Draco was thinking about the best way to approach Kaimana since, clearly, she was running from him like he was a rabid animal.

How the hell was he supposed to earn her trust if she would react the way she did when he first approached her?

But why was she even reacting that way?

He hadn't even interacted with her properly since the night of their drunken hookup.

He smoked weed before encountering her because he thought maybe if he was eased, the encounter with her would be more natural and less weird.

But it wasn't. She completely freaked out.

He would figure that out later, but first, he needed to break up with Astoria.

So that was what he was going to do at this moment.

Draco was just getting dressed after a shower. He was expecting Astoria to come to his dorm, so they could talk.

He had told her to meet him after dinner, and it was after dinner.

As if on cue, the door vibrated softly with a knock on the other side.

Draco shook his head downwards, shaking off the excess water from his hair, as he ran his slender fingers through the damp strands. He walked to the door and opened it.

"Hi." Astoria leaned in to kiss him briefly before letting herself in, catching Draco by surprise for some reason.

"Astoria, we need to ta—"

"You know Asha used the rest of my shampoo?" Astoria scoffed and sat on the edge of his bed, making herself comfortable.


"I only just found out when I went to prepare for a bath, but never took one since I was meeting you," she went on and dropped onto the bed.

"Astoria," Draco said so sharply, his voice could cut through rocks.

"Oh, sorry," Astoria said, and sat up, straightening herself up. "What was it you wanted to talk about?" She ran her fingers through her short dark hair.

Draco exhaled heavily through his nose and walked to his bed, sitting next to her. "I don't..." he drew off, not knowing exactly how to do this lightly without hurting her horribly.

He went through a bunch of different scenarios in his head, trying to see which outcome would be the best.

All of them ended up in her crying and him sounding like an asshole.

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