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Kaimana Valencia | May 1997

She said she would wait until Voldemort got impatient.

And today would be that day.

Kaimana stood at the grand entrance of the castle, staring at the wards Dumbledore set around the castle to just allow everyone to prepare for what's to come. It was night time, nearly nine o'clock. There was not a single sight of a star in the dangerously dark sky.

Beside her, her mates stood with her in a line. On her other side, McGonagall and Dumbledore stood. All of their eyes just stared at the ward that surrounded the castle, as if the realization that Hogwarts—people's home—was going to be destroyed tonight.

Because that was the goal—for Hogwarts to be destroyed. So Voldemort could die once and for all.

But at this point, Kaimana didn't give a fuck.

If she was a bad guy for risking everyone's lives to protect her daughter and her father, then she would be the bad guy.

She had told Dumbledore about it days before, and even though he was reluctant, he agreed to lure Voldemort here. He agreed to have his school destroyed to kill Voldemort.

Kaimana turned her head to her mates, seeing their eyes focused on the ward. "You guys okay?" she asked quietly.

Simultaneously, they turned to her and gave tentative smiles as they replied their docile murmurs. "You?" Meleah poked her elbow into Kaiman's side softly since they were next to each other.

She nodded slowly, wetting her lips. "I'll be okay," she said because she wasn't okay, but she was going to be as soon as this was over. "On my signal, remember?"

Meleah inhaled sharply and nodded. "We'll be waiting for your mark," she assured.

Kaimana really needed to see Draco right now.

She hadn't seen him in over two weeks. She just needed to see him, maybe hug him. Maybe give him a little smooch. Maybe breathe in his intoxicating scent.

"Our goal is to destroy this castle," Dumbledore spoke evenly, oddly calmly, "But you still need to fight. You need to defend yourselves. Understood?"

They all nodded and murmured their agreements.

They all gasped nearly in sync when the ward surrounding the castle cracked and some spots vanished, leaving holes. Then more holes and then more cracks.

Not even twenty minutes in, Kaimana was running for her life.

She had lost her mates in the chaos, hexes and curses flying from every direction. Death Eaters had swarmed the place in less than minutes.

Not only Death Eaters, but Snatchers. Apparently the Snatchers were after the Golden Trio when they traveled around the world—sent my Voldemort to stop them from finding out information.

But now it was war.

Kaimana's heart was jack-hammering in her chest, pulsing in her ears like drums. She was sprinting down the corridors, running from Death Eaters since there were more than four chasing her.

She still hadn't seen Draco, and she still hadn't seen Voldemort. She had a gut feeling that whatever number of Death Eaters were dueling with the people at the school weren't even all of them.

"Avada Kedavra!" She flicked her wand from behind and watched as her curse took down only one of the several Death Eaters chasing her.

She kept running and running, throwing hexes at the Death Eaters she saw attacking her peers. As she sprinted, she threw curses and jinxed behind her. She continued to do that until there was no Death Eater chasing her.

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