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Draco Malfoy | May 1996

So that was why Voldemort wanted to retaliate against Kaimana.

She killed her own mother. AKA Aimee Dizon. AKA Voldemort's stepdaughter.

But that would mean Voldmort knew that Kaimana had something to do with Aimee's disappearance since Snape said that they were all now assuming Aimee was dead. So no one knew how Aimee died, but knew she did die.

It was good. It was good no one knew what Kaimana did, but they—Voldemort, Snape, Narcissa, Lucius, and whoever was involved with Voldemort—knew she had something to do with Aimee's disappearance.

Draco still couldn't believe Kaimana did that at age seven. But he knew it was better not to ask questions.

So instead of asking questions and pondering to himself the questions he had about the details of how Kaimana killed her mother, he decided to focus on another thing.

He decided to focus on what he was going to do with Kaimana and the task situation. He had to tell her eventually because he couldn't lie to her. It was either she found out when Voldemort got impatient and made his move, or she found out from him.

He'd rather option two than one.

Or, actually, he could be selfish for a little bit longer and hold it off.

Well, if he was currently with Zaiyah in Aisling's dorm, then he obviously went with option number three.

Kaimana didn't want Zaiyah going near Draco's dorm, and she also didn't want to invite him into her dorm just yet.

"It's Zaiyah's space, and she's still getting used to you," Kaimana had said, "So let's go to another dorm that doesn't invade her private space."

And then Aisling had offered her dorm since her roommate was never there. So Draco, Kaimana, and Zaiyah were all in Aisling's dorm at lunch, spending time together.

"Mon amour, what's wrong?" Draco cooed as he approached Zaiyah, who was getting upset over a toy on the floor. "What's wrong?"

"Oy boken!" Zaiyah wailed with the cutest pout Draco had ever seen as she held up a broken baby doll. "Dada!" Goodness, she had Kaimana's pout.

He had to suppress his smile of awe at her crying because it sounded so cute. He'd never heard anything like this before. "Let Dada see." He crouched down and opened a hand for her to give him the toy.

"Dada, fith pease." Zaiyah threw herself into his chest, crying into the curve of his neck. He put an arm around her small body to hold her close to him.

Kaimana was sitting on the bed because Draco had asked her to let him handle Zaiyah, so he could adapt to her maintenance and her needs and her personality. So Kaimana just sat back and chit-chatted with them, and Draco did the fatherly duties.

"Peety pease," Zaiyah begged, her arms tightly around his neck as she cried.

"How could I say no to a peety pease?"  Draco murmured, and sat on the floor.

He tried not to show how elated and smiley he was when she cried into his neck and went to him for help and sat in his lap as he tried to fix the toy. He didn't want Zaiyah seeing that he was smiling while she was crying.

He felt like a dad. He was a dad. And it felt good.

He looked at the doll and noticed that it wasn't even broken. The legs were just bent at an unnatural angle. He smiled and bent the leg back to a natural angle.

"Mon amour, look," he said softly, and turned her body to look at the doll in his hand. "All fixed."

Zaiyah sniffled, still pouting as she looked at the doll. "Dada fith?" She looked at him with big, glossy eyes.

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