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Draco Malfoy | June 1996

So... love.

Draco was so heavily and unhealthily in love and obsessed with a psychopath, who also knew love.

Ever since they had sex together again for the first time in two years, it was like they couldn't stop. They did it almost every night they saw each other, every spot in the castle.

It was an exciting thrill for them both when they heard students walking down the corridors past curfew as he fucked her against the door or in an alcove. They did it everywhere but a bed.

They sex was unbelievably fucking fantastic.

He loved love.

Love was amazing.

His mates seemed to have noticed how happy he had been lately because now, Theodore asked, "What's wrong with you, Draco? There's something wrong with your face."

Draco's brows lifted. "Thanks."

"He doesn't mean it like that." Blaise smacked Theodore in the back of his head. "You just seem a lot happier lately."

"Because I am." Draco grinned.

"Yeah, I don't know how I feel about you being happy." Theodore narrowed his eyes into slits. "It's lovely, but weird."

The three boys were sitting in the common room in the morning on a Sunday. The summer holiday was coming really quickly, and Draco forced himself not to think about his Manor. He forced himself not to think about how he would often see Voldemort and be forced to speak to him.

Lucius was going to be a handful, Draco was already accustomed and prepared for that. It was just seeing Voldemort that made Draco a bit uneasy.

He still thought that Draco was nowhere with Kaimana because she was a lot harder to break through than he thought.

He was going to tell her eventually... that it was a task. But he was sure he could convince her that everything between them was real, because it was.

None of it was fake. It was all one hundred percent real.

"Where's Pansy?" Blaise was getting impatient since they were waiting for her to go to breakfast.

"Do you think Mai's with her?" Theodore pondered out loud.

"Probably." Draco rose from the couch. "I'm going. She can meet us there if she's coming down to breakfast."

The two boys followed Draco out of the common room and into the Great Hall. They all sat at the same spot of their table and Draco scanned the table. He wasn't in the mood for any of the food on the table, so he just poured himself a goblet of orange juice.

"Check this out." Blaise pulled a copy of the Daily Prophet from across the table to rest in the middle of them. "Riley ran off too. Apparently he's staying at a hotel in Ireland."

Draco hummed. "Everyone's running away it seems."

Kaimana had told him she thoroughly and deeply cleaned her clothes and he told her he cleaned his—ridding the pieces of clothing from any blood.

"Mate, how do you even feel about Greengrass running away?" Theodore sounded curious. "I know it was a while ago and you guys broke up months ago, but still."

Draco shrugged. "I ended it with her. I couldn't care less," he said, and crossed his forearms over the edge of the table.

"Do you think Voldemort has something to do with these people running away?" Blaise scooped scrambled eggs onto his plate. "No one's ever run away before, and then he shows up and then two students run off."

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