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Kaimana Valencia | August 1996

"Shhhh..." Kaimana hushed as she rocked Zaiyah to sleep, holding her to her chest.

Tonight was the first time in a couple weeks when Zaiyah started having a fit about her dad. She missed him—terribly missed him. And it truly broke Kaimana's heart to see Zaiyah so distressed about this.

"Mama, Iyah iss Bubbas," Zaiyah muttered, half-sleeping as she sniffled from her cries.

"I know, baby," Kaimana whispered, not wanting to wake Meleah, who was sleeping on the mattress next to Kaimana's bed.

"Mama iss Bubbas?" Zaiyah sounded like she was just about to finally drift off.

"Go to sleep," Kaimana soothed, walking around her bedroom to help her baby fall asleep.

Eventually, when Zaiyah fell asleep, Kaimana put her in the crib. She kissed her goodnight and tucked her in before leaving the bedroom.

She shut the door behind her and went downstairs, keeping quiet since everyone was asleep. She crossed to the kitchen to see the light on, and her father was preparing tea.

"Dad?" She sat down at the table. "What are you doing up?"

"Could ask you the same question, love." He chuckled, shaking his head. "Tea?"

"Sure. Thank you."

"There's still adobo and sisig if you're hungry," he offered warmly.

"I'm okay, Dad. Thanks." She sent a fleeting smile.

Stephen handed her a mug once the tea was done, and he took a seat across from her. "Is Zaiyah alright? She had quite the fit." The concern in his expression and voice were evident.

"She's fine." Kaimana shot a small smile in reassurance, but it soon faded. "Dad, can I talk to you about something?"

"Of course, sweets," he said softly, nodding indulgently. "What is it?"

For obvious reasons, she silenced the room they were in before cupping her hands around the hot mug of fresh tea. "I've been wanting to talk to you about this since I got home, but I just didn't know how." Her voice lowered.

"Go on, Kai," he insisted encouragingly. "Talk to me."

"As you've heard, Voldemort is back," she started slowly.

"No, I had no idea." He was being sarcastic.

"And recently... you know Zaiyah's father—Draco?" She was choosing her words carefully, speaking gingerly.

"Mhm." He nodded, taking a sip of his tea.

"Well, he and I have actually been seeing each other for a few months," Kaimana said, averting her eyes from her father for a moment before looking back at him.

"Really?" He was stunned, surprised.

"Yeah, but it didn't last very long," she said sheepishly, cracking a grim smile. "I ended it before coming home because of something he told me."

"Wait, is that why Zaiyah's been having fits so often?" Stephen mused quizzically. "She was spending time with him too, wasn't she?"

She nodded slowly. "I— he—" She failed to speak for a second. "I believed him when he said he wanted to be in her life. And I still do believe it, but I just wanted nothing to do with him after he told me something."

His face darkened in intrigue. "What did he tell you?" He leaned closer, thick forearms crossed over the table.

"He's working with Voldemort, Dad." Kaimana tried not to sound too emotional over this, but in reality, she was. She just tried not to focus on her own feelings. "I was a task. He was told to get close to me, and to gain my trust for Voldemort." Her knuckles were white from gripping the mug too hard.

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