The one that I want

Start from the beginning

Mark left the on call room and Arizona said she would stay longer with you to get you all settled and calmed down.

Arizona: So what would you say if we go out tonight together?
Y/n: That would be fun. What were you thinking about?
Arizona: Do you like the fair? It is in town this week and I thought maybe we could go.
Y/n: I think that it will be so much fun. You always have the best ideas Zona.
Arizona: Zona? Is that my nickname?
Y/n: Yes it is my nickname for you. If you don't like it I will stop calling you like that.
Arizona: I like you calling me that. It's really cute actually, but you said that's your nickname for me. Do I have another one?
Y/n: Most people call you dr. Sweetheart. That's what you are, the sweetest girl on this planet.

You kissed her cheek and hold her hand and just sat their in silence, enjoying each others company. You went back to work and it was now time to go on your date.

Arizona: You look so stunning. I'm a very lucky lady.
Y/n: I'm the lucky one. You are gorgeous as always, but even more shining tonight.
Arizona: Didn't know you were such a flirt y/n Sloan.
Y/n: There are moments when I can be a flirt.
Arizona: How was your surgery?
Y/n: Good. We attached an ear back on someones head. Only honestly, I doesn't feel the love for plastics as Mark. Don't think I will go into plastics.
Arizona: That's okay. You will find the specialty that suits you best. Oh how was your call with the police?
Y/n: I explained everything and they will take care of it. Tomorrow I have to come by the station to sign my statement.
Arizona: That's great news and hopefully they will lock her up. I want you here safe with me.
Y/n: We have to wait and see what happens to her. Shall I drive?
Arizona: No, I'm driving, you only have to enjoy tonight.

You kiss the top of her head and you walked towards her car.

Arizona: Now, get that ass in the car.
Y/n: I will miss bossy pants.
Arizona: I'm not bossy, let's go.

She drove you to the fair and it looked amazing. So many colored light and lots of different things to do. You were walking around together when Arizona took your hand in hers.

Y/n: This is the biggest fair I've ever seen

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Y/n: This is the biggest fair I've ever seen.
Arizona: What would you like to do first?
Y/n: Lets get in the ferris wheel first. A romantic start of our date.
Arizona: But first.

She cupped your face in her hands and gave you a passionate and sweet kiss. You went on the ride and just got out of it.

Arizona: That was a romantic ride. Oh look at that. You can win a big stuffed teddy bear.
Y/n: Come on. I will win it for you.
Arizona: You want to do that for me?
Y/n: I would do anything to make you smile and happy. Oh and I'm really good at this game.
Arizona: Lets show your skills with throwing those balls at the target.
Y/n: Just watch me, it's my secret talent.

You hit the target and won the stuffed teddy bear. Arizona was surprised you actually did that.

Arizona: That was too easy. You only needed two trows to get it all down.
Y/n: Secret talent I said. Oh and working really hard to get that big stuffed teddy bear.
Arizona: That bear will get a special place at home. But tell me, why are you so good at it?
Y/n: I played baseball during high school. I was always the pitcher, so that helped now I guess.
Arizona: Baseball? So you liked sports?
Y/n: I still do. Oh and a side note, you never know when you can use a baseball bat. Having it at home makes me feel safer sometimes.
Arizona: I can understand that. Maybe we can go and watch a game next week, that would be fun.
Y/n: That is so much fun. That's another date.

You gave Arizona a short but sweet peck on the lips before walking further towards another ride.

Arizona: I love every date with you. I could go on a date every day with you.
Y/n: You showed me something I've never seen or experienced before.
Arizona: And what is that?
Y/n: I think it's called caring and love.
Arizona: I'm glad I can give you that.

You both Jumped when someone called your name. You turned around and sighted when you saw who it was.

Leah: Oh hey guys, what can you give her?
Y/n: Can you just walk further. There are probably other people who love talking to you. So uhm bye, I will see you at work.
Leah: Can you give me something aswel dr. Robbins.
Arizona: Don't think so, but what do you want?
Leah: Just one kiss. It's all it takes for you to fall in love with me.
Y/n: Why don't you give up?
Leah: I will always fight for what I want.
Arizona: Sometimes you can't get what you want.
Leah: Oh but are you sure, because if I don't get you, no one can!
Arizona: What does that mean? You're talking bullshit.
Leah: I'm sorry but I have to do this.
Y/n: Arizona, watch out! You have to get out of the way!

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