You did the surgery together and it went as planned. Arizona helped you close the patient and you helped with the bleeders during the surgery. You are now scrubbing out together.

Arizona: You did great in there. You saw some bleeders before I even saw them. Did you enjoy your first surgery?
Y/n: I did, and again thank you so much for this opportunity. I learned a lot, thanks to you.
Arizona: I'm glad you feel like that. I hope you can scrub in on some more of my surgeries soon. I liked you there with me.
Y/n: It was great. Hopefully I will be on your service next week.
Arizona: I hope so too. Lets go and tell the parents the good news. After that you can look for April in the ER as you are her intern this week.
Y/n: Okay, I will. If you need to talk, page me. Oh and Arizona, lets have a drink tonight at Joe's. That's my way to thank you for this surgery.

You walked out of the scrub room and Lexie saw you two walking out together.

Arizona: You really don't have to thank me, but I love to have a drink with you tonight.
Lexie: A drink, as in a date?
Y/n: No Lexie. Why does everyone ask that?
Lexie: What time are you having a drink?
Y/n: Tonight after our shift, you can come too and bring my brother with you.
Lexie: I will ask Callie aswel and Meredith and Derek.
Arizona: I will ask April and Jackson. Y/n, why don't you ask the other interns?
Y/n: I don't know to be honest. I don't really like them, apart from Jo and Stephanie, I will invite them aswel.
Lexie: I will see you tonight at Joe's.

You informed the parents and had a slow day after the surgery with Arizona. You changed and went to the peds floor to see if Arizona was ready to go.

Y/n: Hey Arizona, ready to go?
Arizona: I will change in some more casual clothes and then we can go.
Y/n: Okay, I will wait here for you. We can walk to Joe's together.

After 10 minutes Arizona walked out of her office and took a seat next to you.

Arizona: Y/n, I'm ready to go to Joe's, but I have to ask you something first.
Y/n: Oh okay, let's hear it.
Arizona: So some people thought we had a date and now Lexie thought we were going on a date aswel. I never asked you and you don't have to answer, but are you straight? I mean uhm.

She started to get really nervous and were having trouble making words you could understand. So you took her hand in yours to comfort her a little.

Y/n: Hey it's more than okay to ask what you want.
Arizona: I just want to know, because men and women tried to ask you out, but you didn't went on a date with them.
Y/n: It was not because of any sexuality or something. I didn't liked the way they approached me.
Arizona: That's still no answer to the question. Are you into men?
Y/n: I never made it a secret as I knew it a long time ago, but I'm gay, like really gay. I would say I'm lesbianic.
Arizona: Wait what did you say?
Y/n: I said that I'm gay. I like women.
Arizona: No it was something else, you said lesbianic. I said that once and I never heard anyone else ever say that. I was just surprised to hear that.
Y/n: Oh that's funny. Come on, I will buy us the first round of drinks.

You got to Joe's and the others were already there. You've been drinking for some time when Arizona pulled you aside.

Arizona: Y/n, I need your help.
Y/n: With what?
Arizona: Callie, she asked me again for that date and I can't. I simply can't go on a date with her.
Y/n: Okay uhm you need tell her that. You can't let her wait for something you aren't going to give her. You must be honest with her.
Callie: Hey what are you two talking about?
Arizona: Nothing special. I just told y/n how good she was in surgery with me today. She's really talented and I see a lot of potential in her.
Callie: That's great. Can't wait to see you in action soon. Can I borrow Arizona for a minute? I need to talk to her.
Y/n: Go ahead, I needed to go to the bathroom anyways.

You went to the bathroom while Callie and Arizona talked.

Callie: Okay I just really want to know it Arizona. I gave you time to think about it and I can't stop thinking about you. I like you so much.
Arizona: Please stop Callie. I thought a lot about it and I have to be honest with you. I don't want to hurt you and I will hurt you if I say yes, because that would be a lie.
Callie: What are you saying Arizona? I don't get it. You have hurt me with rejecting me right now. Go to hell!
Arizona: You don't mean that. It's the alcohol, but I have to go to the bathroom.

Arizona walked into the bathroom and you were just finishing washing your hands.

Y/n: Hey you, what is going on? I thought that you were with Callie.

Arizona walked towards you not once looking away. She was standing really close to you, her face inches away. That's when she cupped your face with her hands and kissed you on the lips. It was a long kiss and you didn't know what to do.

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