one hundred and twelve

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Lily went to shut the kitchen door, however she held it open for a second more when a quiet 'meow' was heard. Crookshanks walked into the kitchen and instantly took a seat on the table in front of Mrs Evans - who didn't waste a moment before scratching him behind his ear.

"Our results came."

"Well, I'm wide awake now."

Lily and Cassie both stared at each other for a moment.

They didn't really know what to say, they were both anxious about opening the letters that held their N.E.W.T results, the results that would determine what they can and can't do in the near future.

Cassie was the first one to look away and towards the letters that rested on the kitchen table, she smiled softly when she saw the cat poking at the one addressed to her with his paw.

However, when her gaze shifted from the animal and to the letter that was in front of him, she froze and the cup that was in her hands fell to the floor.

Shattering into a thousand pieces and spilling coffee everywhere.

Cassie didn't move, her hands shaking but still in the position as if they were holding the mug.

"Cassie!" Lily exclaimed in surprise, dropping the letter that she had picked up and quickly walking over to her friend.

She gently grabbed Cassie's hands and pulled her away from her hot coffee and shattered pottery.

"I. . . I'm so sorry." Cassie breathed out, sounding as though she was on the brink of tears. "I'm so sorry."

Cassie pulled her hands away from Lily and began to rub at her eyes. The red-haired girl turned to look at her parents who both looked as equally worried and shocked as she did, but her attention quickly went back to Cassie when a sob rang through the room.

"Cass." Lily said sympathetically as she pulled  Cassie hands away from her eyes and pulled the girl into a hug.

The two stood like that for a while, Cassie crying into Lily's shoulder while Lily whispered to Cassie in a gentle tone and rubbed her back.

When Cassie's sobs turned into the occasional sniffle, the two girls pulled apart.

Cassie quickly rubbed at her cheeks to try and get rid of the remaining tears, but more kept coming, even if they were few and far between.

"I'm sorry."

"Stop apologising, you don't need to apologise."

Cassie nodded, before looking over to Lily's parents who both looked at her sadly. She forced a smile on her lips before looking back at the letter on the table.

"Is- is it okay if I wait before I open my letter?" She asked, letting out a shaky breath. "I just need a minute, to. . . to-"

"Cassie, dear." Mrs Evans spoke up, a warm and comforting smile on her face. "You open your letter whenever you feel like it, and you don't need to explain to us."

Cassie nodded, wiping at the tears on her face once again. "Thank you." She replied, her voice hardly above a whisper.

She gave one more look at the letter before she turned on her heel, opened the kitchen door and left the room. Crookshanks was quick to follow his owner.

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