Why haven't you replied to my question?"

She didn't respond to my furious words, and instead of looking at me, she focused her gaze on the floor of the lift.

Is this girl fearless of my anger?

I pushed her chin up and drew her gaze in my direction.

"Pay attention to what I say and respond accordingly."

In a whisper, she asked her to leave.

"If you don't answer my question, you won't go anywhere."

But she only stared at me with tears welling up in her eyes. She shed some tears, which helped to ease my rage a little.

I put her hand in mine and calmly inquired, "What's wrong?"

She wept and said, "It is terrible. It is wrong for us to approach so close."

By embracing her, I attempted to soothe her anxiety. "Oh, so you think that the only way to solve this problem is to ignore me?"

When the lift door opened, I distanced her from me before she said anything else.

The fragrance of her fresh roses has already left an impression on me. Because I couldn't manage my emotions, I couldn't calm myself down. I snatched her wrist just as she was about to step out of the lift and yanked her back inside with all my power. Immediately after the lift close, I pressed the button on the top floor.

She is surprised because of my abruptness.

"Someone will notify us if you don't let go of my hand."

Because I was so close to her, I had completely lost control of my emotional responses. I ignored her remarks and cradled her close to my chest.

She was still begging me to leave her.

Didn't she like it when I was around? Didn't she?

I grabbed her wrists and pushed her against the wall of the lift so that she couldn't get away from me.

Respond to my question, "Is it tough for you to be so close to me? You can't ignore me like this."

She seemed afraid at that moment, and I knew it by the look on her face.

"Would you have wanted to kiss me that day?" I yelled out in a high-pitched tone.

"It's wrong," she said, her eyes welling up with tears.

Inquiringly, "Why aren't you staring at me?" I started it while bringing her face up to mine.

She begged me to leave her repeatedly.

I said in a loud voice, "You will go nowhere until I get the answer to my questions."

When I asked, she snapped and said, "She feels nothing."

I pressed her to speak the complete line aloud.

"I.. I... I felt nothing," she said with a trembling voice.

Her actions irritated me.

"You can only leave here if you respond to my words."

She was pleading with me to let her go, as we were in the lift.

But my gaze remained fixated on her lips, which were tingling.

Whatever it is about her lips has me drawn to them, and I can't help but kiss her even after she's in front of me.

It didn't matter what was going on around me; I still gripped her lips with my own.

Weirdly, I do not know why she dismisses my existence.

Without her permission, I once again kissed her.

Cradling her rose lip to mine was an intense experience.

I held her waist and shoulders with one hand and her wrists with the other.

I was going to close my eyes and kiss her.

It didn't take long until she turned around and started kissing me again after standing there like a fetish, with no reaction.

Her hands were getting tighter in my hair, which made me want to kiss her even more passionately.

When the elevator shook, it cut our passionate kiss short.

As the lift door opened, we separated ourselves from one another and remained calm and composed.

"Oh shit, blood," she blurted, her voice shaking.

I could still see the lingering effects of my kiss on her lips.

"What happened?" I inquired with a sly grin.

Her face flushed, and she replied, "Nothing."

"If you'd like, I can take you back to your house."

The lift arrived on the ground floor, and I immediately questioned her.

As she exited the lift, she answered, "No, I'll be fine," and smiled.

I caught her eye as she stepped out of the elevator.

This girl is going to make me crazy. Something about her has me swaying, and I'm not sure what it is.

I started my car and left the office building when I reached the parking floor.

Unfulfilled DesiresNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ