S4 Part 53 - Creatures Like Us

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"To what do I owe the pleasure, your highness?" Heller bat his pretty, evil eyes at you.

You spoke with Heller alone while your team waited anxiously on the outskirts. Luckily, he kept you in a little corner where you could have some semblance of privacy in this madhouse. After the fight ended, as the man had passed out from the pain, Heller took his "break" to clean off and have a drink. He smelled like he had had a hundred too many already.

"You finally ready to accept me as king?" He sneered while wiping blood from his chest with a rag, "You always did seem like the submissive type. Don't take that the wrong way - those are my favorite."

"No," you glared, "I came because your friends are worried about you."

"Oh," his face dropped, "Then you can leave."

"Excuse you?"

"Wanna stay?" He challenged, "You brought two boyfriends I want to rip apart, so really, it's for your own safety."

"Would you stop?" You tried standing a little taller, "This is obnoxious. Even for you."

He rolled his eyes. It felt like talking to a stubborn teenager... and you were the parent!

"Hunny-bunny," Heller spoke as if out of pity, "You haven't seen me lose control. But if you stick around teasing me much longer, perhaps you will."

You crossed your arms, "I think you're just trying to scare me. Punish me. Things didn't go your way and you're getting bent about it."

Heller chucked the dirtied rag and lazily closed the space between you two. He still looked pleased with himself - the same arrogant smile he wore almost always, but there was pain or irritation brewing beneath the surface. You could smell the sweat off his body but didn't dare back down.

"Bent, huh?" He snickered. His hand snaked up to your neck and tightened around your jaw. The red's of his eyes shone more brightly as the rest filled with black. The tattoo-like markings bled their way into existence on his skin. His horns were back too.


"You left," his smile faded, "I guess I always thought you might. You took everything with you, and left me to wonder what to do next. I've killed men for less than that. Much less."

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Hawks holding the team together, but watching you two closely.

"I was going to find you," you covered his hand with yours, "It's been days. It's not like I ghosted you!"

"Were you," he scoffed, "I'm sure you were busy warming feather-boy's bed."

"I'm not."


"It's true!" It was, even if you thought about it before, you and Hawks hadn't gotten to that point. "And what the hell does that matter? You've had like fifteen cockwarmers between you and Dabi! Double standard much?"

"Because," Heller's voice darkened, "I don't like him."

"... Hawks?" You raised a brow, "That's your big excuse? You 'don't like' him?! I thought you loved everyone."

"I appreciate that he's hot - doesn't mean I don't want him dead."

"That melodrama aside," you sighed, "If you're throwing a tantrum to get my attention then great - I noticed! Let's be done. Leave this place... with me? We can figure something out without all this drinking and breaking people's body parts."

Heller's dry chuckle made you shudder, "You wanna talk? Of course you do, now that I've threatened your friends."

He brought his mouth up against your ear. Something warm and wet pressed against your sensitive lobe, which you could only guess was his tongue. You tried moving your head out from his claws but you were stuck enduring his need to lick you.

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