S3 Part 20 - Click Click, B*tch

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You sat in All Might's office next to Izuku while the two of them stared at you.

Izuku broke the news first, but with All Might's confession, you were stunned. All this time, Izuku had been quirkless? And All Might chose him as his successor?

... Was he a sucker for fanboys?

"I know how this all sounds," All Might offered you some tea from across the coffee table, "Seems beyond belief?"

"If we're going to use that argument, quirks themselves are pretty unbelievable," you shrugged, "I'm surprised but... it does make sense."

"What do you mean?" Izuku asked, "Am I that obvious?!"

"Well, you suck at lying, sure. But for a long time now, I could feel similar energies from you both. I thought maybe it had to do with your personalities or ambitions or just having similar quirks - turns out it was the same quirk!" You said, "But why? Can you really just pass on quirks?"

"No," All Might said, "The reason we can pass on this quirk is because that's part of its special properties. The quirk is One For All."

"Hold up," you pursed your lips, "Opposite of All For One..."

"Yes... they are related. Brothers, actually."

All Might explained a bit about how his quirk worked and how he received it from his previous teacher. Then, how he and Izuku met. It sounded like the start of a YA fiction novel! You always knew Deku was going to be a great hero, but you didn't realize how adorably cliche!

"That's crazy," you beamed at Izuku, "I'm guessing you want me to keep quiet about it."

"Please," All Might nodded.

"Wow... no offense, but why did you trust me with this secret?"

Izuku set down his cup of tea and turned to All Might as if he had asked that question himself, "Is (Y/N) in some kind of danger?"

That's the understatement of the year...

"A bit of a loaded question, I'm sure," All Might said in his dry humor, "The reason I'm involving you at all is because it seems All For One has sent his own successor after you. I believe that to be true after past events."

"Shigaraki?" You said.

"All For One has been feeding him bits of your information for a while now. Shigaraki is dependent on his master's guidance... I don't believe he'll stop hunting you. Just as All For One won't stop coming for One For All."

"You see," he continued, "I believe yours and Midoriya's paths are intertwined. And now that I'm all but useless, I want the two of you to have each other's backs. Izuku needs a friend to know about him in case... anything were to happen to me."

In case?

The room got quiet. Judging by the look on Izuku's face, he wasn't expecting grim news either.

"You're not dying, are you, All Might?" Izuku asked.

"Not that I know of. But everyone dies," he shrugged his boney shoulders, "I'm going to fight until my last breath to be there for you, but things have become so unpredictable. I feel responsible for you both."

His sunken face looked so tired, you wanted to do or say something to take the burden away. But you didn't know what those words could be yet.

"Why did All For One target me?" You asked, "I know why I might appeal to villains now, with my dad and his cult backing me up. But before, no one even knew I was Butcher's kid. Except you guys, and I guess AFO?"

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