S4 Part 28 - Angels and Demons

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You glanced up at Heller's backside to see if he had heard anything too. With the volume of the rustling trees, you were probably safe.

"Say somethin', kid. I'm dying here," Hawks said.

His voice was still yummy even when ruined by static. Now, how to respond. Do you just speak? In spy movies they always held a finger to their earpiece as they spoke. So, you did the same.

"I'm here..." you barely whispered.

"Oh, good!" Hawks chuckled, "Thought I lost you back in the tunnels and then there was an issue with reception and I'm pretty sure these things need to be charged... But hey, I'm sorry for scaring you before."

"Why'd you do it?" You coughed a little to deflect Heller's hearing.

"You're not alone are ya?"


"I see," Hawks said, "In that case, I guess listen for now! Jeanist isn't dead. Okay? I mean, he's not great - he's mostly dead. But not dead dead."

"He's alive..?" You felt your mouth go dry. That man stuffed in Hawks' duffel bag sure didn't seem revivable!

Heller kept looking forward, thankfully. You didn't know how much time you had left until he decided to stop and begin training you, whatever that entailed.

"You gotta trust me," Hawks said, "Remember, we're a team? The best team."

"Aren't you a team with Dabi now? How can I trust you, Hawks?" You asked, genuinely - hoping he could convince you. Because, why should he trust you either.

"Come with me."

His words were drowned out by Heller, who spoke at the exact same time.

The demon had turned his broad shoulders around and held a hand out to you. Even though Hawks wasn't present, you could feel him like your opposite shoulder angel, telling you to choose him instead.

"Kid?" Hawks was a broken whisper in your ear.

"I, uh..." you decided you could still make this secret conversation work, while interacting with Heller at the same time, "Where to?"

The static sounded like crinkled plastic against your eardrums. Whatever connection you and Hawks had was interrupted.

"You were just falling behind and I was getting lonely," Heller said, and he took one of your limp hands by your side.

His red eyes looked less menacing to you every day. Was it from being around his pheromones too often?

"Oh, right," you looked down at your conjoined hands, "Hey, I... have to pee..?"

He paused, and then snorted, "I guess we could head back, or the whole forest is yours for the taking?"

"I'll take a tree," you insisted.

He was still laughing to himself when you scurried away to get some privacy. Well, that was humiliating. And you forgot that Hawks got to hear that bit too.

"Is that the underwear model guy?" Hawks returned and groaned, "Eh... Well, I hope you found a decent tree."

"Shut up," you snapped, "I've got maybe a minute. Who's side are you on, Hawks?"

"Whatever side you're on, baby bird."

"Be serious."

"I think we both know the answer," he said, "I told you, you could trust me. I really need you to, then I can explain everything."

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