S4 Part 38 - Hail to the Queen

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"Did I get that right?"

Heller smirked while Hawks' expression froze, "I was sure I butchered it since I haven't heard the name in ages. You know, it's actually creepily obsessive that I remembered it at all."

Hawks was stunned. Even with his training, he was having a hard time not revealing how he was feeling. Why would Heller of all people know something like that?

"I'm just curious why you're so confident that that's my name?" Hawks shrugged.

"Mmm. Okay, we'll play that game," Heller put his hands on his hips, "Gotta keep that image up, right? Can't let anyone know where you actually came from. And you think you're being (Y/N)'s hero when really you're probably the biggest hypocrite of them all."

Hawks twitched. His feathers that kept him in the air ruffled in the wind, wanting to act.

"Nothing?" Heller asked, and then laughed, "Am I hitting you in the right spot? You've watched this girl suffer for having a father everyone knows as a villain, and here you are, pretending to be prince-fucking charming. It's humorous. Our backgrounds weren't too different, you and I, even (Y/N), but look how society picks and chooses its golden boys from its bad ones."

"So, that's your beef with me? You're just jealous?" Hawks asked.

Heller ran a hand through his dark hair, still chuckling, but this time more devious than before, "Oh, I like being the bad boy. At least I can live honestly, right? Unlike you, hiding all those lecherous thoughts about (Y/N). I see exactly what you crave, and it's so naughty. Ha! Maybe you and I really similar after all!"

Suddenly, Heller was falling. He had his wings, but they wouldn't move on command. The power he had gotten used to roaming his body fell silent.

"Now, Hawks!" Aizawa's glowing red eyes focused on Heller from the ground. However, someone else came to the demon's rescue.

Asahi ran through the sea of heroes and cultists and unleashed a powerful flash of light from his body, causing Aizawa to blink. When everyone could see again, Heller was nowhere in sight.

"Dammit," Aizawa rubbed his eyes furiously.

Hawks sensed the winged man circling much lower and farther away, probably avoiding Aizawa. Good, Eraser was able to spook him. Hawks studied the fight from above and concluded one positive; the cultists weren't pursuing civilians. They all seemed to want to remain close to their leader.

But to add to the negatives, he could sense multiple copies of League members lurking about...


"Hm?" He picked up on your voice and grinned.

"I know you can hear me. I'm gonna need you to trust in my shenanigans again..."


Endeavor kept looking for the best opening to use a more powerful blast without harming the others in the way. Really, everyone just needed to get out of his way!

Butcher was a massive man, but moved as if he weighed nothing. There was no way to verbally reach him. It was only wrath and death that fueled him. Endeavor was constantly reminded by the feeling of dread and the anguished roars whenever he was close.

Now, Butcher's little army came to make things more complicated. Endeavor finally saw an opening, but Butcher changed in behavior, almost as if he knew Endeavor's plan to attack.

Endeavor's flash fire got cut short by Butcher zoning in on him and delivering a rapid stream of punches; blow after blow to the stomach, face, wherever he could. The new number one hero was forced against a wall with flaming forearms protecting his face.

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