S3 Part 40 - The Night From Hell III

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"Come on you son of a bitch!" You pat down Denki's body with your one free hand, still looking for the key, "Where is it!"

He stirred only once. Good - he wasn't dead, so you could kill him later yourself. You were straining to reach the other side of him but being handcuffed was making it difficult.

At this point it would probably be easier just to break the grab handle. Easier if you had extra strength to play with...

"You gonna come out, cupcake?"

You heard Dabi taunting you from outside and felt your heart race. He was scary on his own, but Heller was getting closer too. Every second you were searching for the key you were glancing up at the mirror. Heller knew exactly where you were and that you were keeping an eye on him.

If Heller was here...

What happened to Hawks?

You couldn't let yourself worry about him just yet. He had to be okay. He was Hawks. He was always okay.

You on the other hand...

Your hand was forearm deep into Denki's pant pocket - still nothing. What if the jackass didn't even have the key? A frustrated growl escaped your lips and you returned to trying to break the handle off instead.

"Who's this? Another adoring fan on the (Y/N) train?" Heller addressed Dabi.

There was a sliver of hope here, in that the villain's didn't know each other and more than likely had different goals. This could work well for you, you thought, if you could get the hell out of this car first.

"What are you supposed to be? Her big brother?" Dabi asked, sounding bored.

"That would be sinful. Considering the thoughts I've had running through my mind."

Dabi's frown turned into a scowl, "I don't have time to listen to what you jack-off to."

Heller was in dangerous proximity of your car, when the blue flames traveled from where Dabi stood and formed a ring around you and the wreckage.

Oh good... this is much better. 😒

Who were you even rooting for here? Yourself, obviously, but one of them would come out of this and you would have to deal with the winner next.

Heller attempted to use his wings to get around it, but Dabi was accurate with his range attacks, and exploded fire balls from his hands. You could only see vague images from the fire blocking you, like the black outline of Heller's clothes dancing in the sapphire firework show.

You thought about your own quirk against Dabi's. His skin was difficult to take energy from through touch, so he didn't have to worry about that, but Heller would win in hand to hand, no question. So long as Dabi kept his distance, he could survive.

Why do I care?

"Normally, I love playing with fire, but I find you a bit suffocating..." Heller dodged another fireball flying towards him.

"Good," was all Dabi said, and then unleashed a more powerful blast.

The car was starting to feel like an oven. The fire hadn't gotten too close but the heat was intense. You were relieved when the circle of fire dispersed. From outside Denki's window, you got to see what Dabi was focusing on.

One right after the other, he chucked wads of fire from his hands. They hit Heller like a stream of water balloons, except instead of soaking him, his skin and clothes were cooked. You could smell the burning hair from where you sat.

QUIRKY! Vol. 2 (MHAxReader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon