S4 Part 6 - My Waifu

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"Sorry to barge in like this."

Overhaul turned his head slightly, to give you some privacy? You clutched the towel closer to your body and felt around to make sure the important bits were covered.

"You had me a little worried with all the ruckus you were making," Overhaul spoke too casually for the situation, "I'm sure waking up like this is unsettling. I didn't plan on Shigaraki bringing you to me unconscious, so I apologize."

Isn't exactly my first rodeo, friend...

When he suddenly entered the bathroom, you pressed yourself even further into the wall. It didn't even concern you if he was a pervert or not, you just wanted those insta-kill hands of his to keep to themselves. He handed you the robe that you had thrown aside. His seemingly always open eyes noticed you jump as soon as his hand raised.

"It's okay," he sighed, "I understand your reservations. Especially after the other night. That's not how I enjoy doing business."

You wanted to throw up still, the anxious tornado in your guts hadn't calmed down, but you took the robe from his offering hand. More clothes couldn't hurt right now, you thought.

"How do you enjoy business then, Overhaul?" You asked, "Kidnapping? Or hiring artists with a bloody track record."

His thin, sharp eyebrows raised, "I hire many people with bloody track records."

"You know who I'm talking about."

"This sounds like a conversation we should have after you've gathered yourself," he said, "You can find anything in here that you need, and clothes are in the closet. When you're feeling ready, let Kurono know. He'll be waiting outside."

"Wait..." you weren't sure what to say. Everything was happening so fast. What terms did Tomura and Overhaul agree to? What situation were you in and how were you supposed to manipulate it in your favor?

Overhaul was one foot back inside the bedroom when he looked over his shoulder.

"Um..." you swallowed, "W-What's going to happen to me..?"

"You don't need to look so afraid," his voice was soothing even with how scratchy it sounded, "I might be one of the only crime lords not trying to kill you. Let's talk. When you're ready."

You didn't relax or even move from your spot until you heard Overhaul close the bedroom door behind him. His aura was larger and darker than he appeared. It felt like talking to the devil; he never shows up as a big, ugly beast. He alway comes appealing to the eye and saying all the right things.

Before seducing you into surrendering your soul.

Overhaul said everything you would need could be found, so you checked the vanity in the bathroom and, sure enough, there was anything you could think of.

"Holy shit," you laughed. The makeup options were over the top. You recognized one brand of mascara that sold for eighty dollars. While the selection was rich, it looked like it was picked out by a man who had no idea what to get, and just grabbed anything that looked expensive.

You hardly wore makeup anymore, so it was fun to browse. But did he not have women working for him? If he was that old school, you were right in assuming his expectations for you.

When you did what you wanted to your face and hair, the closet contents confirmed your thoughts even more. Nothing inside looked comfy or casual. Everything was elegant and also probably cost too much money. You looked at the shoe selection and groaned. Nothing without a heel? Seriously?

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