S4 Part 24 - Haibori Woods

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"I'm not going in there."

Heller dropped you off even deeper, elsewhere, in the forest. You thought you would be heading towards civilization, but you were sadly mistaken.

"What's wrong?" Heller asked, "What were you expecting?"

"Not a trap door in the middle of the woods that leads to my death," you said.

Shielded by a tall boulder were two doors that pulled upward, and beyond those doors were stone steps that would apparently take you to the cult. You bounced on your heels, not loving this at all so far. Not that you were expecting Disneyland.

"Kijo..." Heller sighed playfully, "How many times do I have to remind you that I would have killed you a long time ago if I had wanted to."

"Some killers are sick," you snapped, "And they like taking you to their torture chambers."

"Know from experience?"

You spun around, but his beefy arm caught you around the chest, "Oops. Is someone scared? Not of the dark! That's just adorable," he laughed.

"It's not the dark!" you glared, "It's you, and this, and then the dark!"

"Don't worry. You can hold my hand - as tight as you want, love. I like it rough."

"Oh no... you're going to be Mr. Grey."

"Who?" he asked.

"The freaky guy with the literal sex chamber of torture devices!"

"Don't be silly."

He said it so casually but you still tensed up when he started helping you down the stairs. He left you at the bottom where the temperature was notably colder. It didn't help that it was moist too. When you looked back to see what Heller was up to, he was closing the doors behind you.

I'm going to die down here...

You covered your shoulders with your wings. What did the cult do down here? Is this where they held the human sacrifices? Were they in cages like an animal shelter?

"The sooner we move, the sooner we can get some light," Heller chuckled.

Your frozen body was blocking his path. With a low wimper, you nodded, but made him walk forward first. What was worse, being in the front or the back? (AN: I'm actually HUGE into haunted houses, so which do you think? Lead the way, or get picked on from behind?!)

"So..." you weren't sure what to ask first. Was your dad here? Were you going to have to kill him before even having lunch? Was lunch a thing cultists did with their afternoons? Instead, what you actually asked was, "Where's Dabi?"

"Having second thoughts?" Heller's voice was even less comforting in the dark, "It's a little too late now, kijo. I'm not letting you leave..."

He stopped and your nose hit his back. You knew he was doing this for dramatic effect, and you were already nervous.

"Ugh, I'm not going anywhere, geez," you said, "Ah... now I see where you all get your Halloween costumes from."

There seemed to be a dim glow coming from further in, and lining the walls were the masks the cultists used when going out. It made this place look like the catacombs.

"Why don't you wear the ridiculous getup?" You asked.

"And hide this face?" He said, most likely with a grin, "Not a chance."

"You're not worried people will recognize you?"

"They already do. No one seems to have a problem," he said, "Yet, anyway."

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