Optional Recap 🤗

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Hello and welcome to my recap episode! I feel like it may be necessary since the next few chapters have A LOT going on and a lot of pieces on the chess board.

Mostly referring to your villain-ish characters.

First we have:
The League of Villains! - Tomura has pretty much given you space this whole time, aside from Dabi's random visits. But he's confident you'll approach him for help. Will you 😏
Speaking of Dabi, he seemed to be acting for his own selfish reasons and not so much for The League.

Then we have:
The Cult / Your dad - Daddy-o has also taken the backseat and hasn't shown himself, but his cult followers are eager to meet you. Yuma seems to be the most sane and easiest to talk to. They want you to replace your dad so they can still have their "idol" to worship and not get swallowed up by a different gang.
So far, they haven't done anything as "grand" as the murder in front of the hospital, but Shinso discovered they could also be hired hitmen.

There's this random asshole:
The Incubus (Heller, but you haven't met face to face yet) - Not much info for him as of now, but we know he's challenged your place on the thrown and for whatever reason, your dad didn't murder him for it. But it's rumored that his intentions are to kill you. Fun 😅

The big bad:
Overhaul / Yakuza - This really hot creep has similar goals to the incubus, except he thinks killing you outright would weaken how powerful the cult is, and instead wants to take advantage of their loyalty and keep you alive. An arranged marriage is part of his game, real or for show, so long as he gets the respect of the cult and can use them to take over the underworld of Japan.
Your only interactions so far have been small and indirect, like him using psychopaths to kidnap you.
Overhaul has also created a drug that cancels quirks. Not scary at all. Nighteye is currently investigating Overhaul with the help of Monarch.

The guy we all forgot 🤣
Izaya Orihara - Yuh, he still exists in the background lol! Silently pulling some strings and dishing out information to whoever has the cash or, more importantly, can keep him entertained. Shinso is sadly unaware that Izaya had a part to play in Valentini, and has been accepting his help to stop the cult. Izaya is loyal to no party whatsoever.
Hawks has opened an investigation on him.

Now some not so evils...?

Shinso - we know he's been up to some vigilante activity on the side that he's been secretive about. We'll learn that his captivity with Valentini broke him a little and made him fear for your life and sanity, especially since you were forced to kill Valentini. So, he's taken it upon himself to remove anyone from the cult trying to reach you. Except Yuma? He knows what they want from you and he's pretty set on it never happening.

Wannabe Boyfriend #?
Kaminari - He started off as the charming player you needed to pull you out of your dreary slump. He's a little pushy and wants relationship status with you hardcore, and when that backfires he seems to be showing a different side to himself. A little sus... Especially since scheming doesn't seem to fit his personality at all.

Speaking of Sus:
Hawks - you have zero idea why the guy acts shady at times and totally genuine in others. But I'm sure you'll find out...
It reminds you a lot of Monarch actually.

Invisible Girl?
Toru Hagakure - Cute, bubbly and totally jealous. Probably isn't a threat anymore, but b*tch hasn't even apologized 😒

The Godfather
Monarch - The parent you adopted. Poor guy just wants to love you and possibly your aunt, in a different way...
In his lifetime, he made many friends but has a weakness, like your mother, for dark creatures. Even though he can be hateful towards others, like Tomura, for kidnapping you.
His wealth of information may come at a cost, especially since his loyalty is biased now that he has you.

As for YOU!

Your quirk changed a lot since the beginning 🤭 Your biggest change being your wings, but they were little. Now, they can grow to flight size - but, as of now, you can only grow them if you take enough energy. Sex seems to work lol...
At that high level energy, you can also visibly see the amount of energy you can take from an individual as it shows up as a color around them (their aura? 💁‍♀️)

I think that's about it? But if you have questions feel free to ask 🤗 It's a long story and will be even longer so even I need a refresher lol!

As far as love interests go, no one is really off the table, yet? I have some I lean more towards obviously 😏

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