S3 Part 4 - Home Sweet Home

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All Might's sunken eyes grew into large, dark pits on his face, "Wait - what happened?"

After Denki woke up alive and well - and tickled that the two of you had a sleepover - you immediately went to find your retired teacher. He was spending time with his buddy, David, in a quirk laboratory. Sometimes you forgot just how amazing your connections were - not many people could walk passed security, into a secret lab, because they were friends with the retired number one hero.

"It was a mess," you explained, taking a seat in one of the swivel chairs, "I pheromoned everyone at the karaoke bar without even knowing it. It was low-key terrifying."

"That's... insanely powerful," he mulled, "And you're right, it sounds dangerous. While being able to influence your enemies is useful, you don't have control of their actual actions, which could be problematic for you."

"Yeah, I gathered that after last night," you sighed, "I need to figure this out. I feel like I'm starting from the bottom again."

All Might gave you a sympathetic look, "I'm glad, actually. It'll give you something new to focus on. Bettering yourself is a noble venture - quirk or no quirk."

"About that," you took a deep breath, "I've been thinking I should head back."

"Yeah? We have been here a while."

"I think I've been using this trip to hide from my problems." You hung your head low and played with your fingernails.

"You and me both, kid," All Might pulled up a chair next to you. You were surrounded by computers while David was in the next room, playing around with some sort of device. "We don't blame you for needing space. For someone so young to be targeted... I can't tell you how many times I've been hunted down by villains or thugs."

"It sounds unavoidable," you shrugged.

"Yes. The sad reality of heroes, I guess. People notice the shiny uniforms, the catch-phrases, the smiles but, no one sees the weight of their anxiety and heartache."

You looked up at him, knowing what he could be referring to. It was strange seeing him in this skeleton form, his expressions were much easier to read too. He was so much more human this way?

"(Y/N), I hope you know that all we ever wanted was to give you the shot at a bright future," he said, "Maybe my guilt drove me originally, but watching you grow and attend UA has been, well, it helps with the pain. Even a little."

"I know..." your gaze dropped again, "How can I be upset about that."

"You can," All Might said, "You're allowed to have feelings."

"You want me to be mad?" You asked.

"Not forever, no, of course not," All Might's blue irises bore into yours, "But keeping those feelings trapped inside won't do you any favors."

Your hands turned into tight fists. It didn't feel right to be anything but grateful. Sure, your life wasn't a cake-walk, but there was a lot of good, like your friends...

All Might waited for you to speak. Thinking about your last semester, and how dramatically your life has changed since then, was like playing an overwhelming slideshow in your head.

"I'm angry..." you said, "Not because The Butcher is my dad, or even the fact that your fight with him got my mom killed - I know that was an accident. I'm upset at the lengths you all went to hide it from me. It feels like my life was a series of mapped out events, until Shigaraki came around...

Did Midnight ever trust me?" You continued, "Why let me into UA at all? I know you all made sure I'd get in... I wasn't exactly amazing during the entrance exams. You just had to drill the word 'hero' into my head so that I didn't become a villain?"

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