S3 Part 28 - End Result

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Shinso didn't return until just before the second exam started. You gave him a look to ask how it went, but he shrugged.

"She's gone," he said.

"No one caught her..." you sighed, "Wonderful."

While you all stood next to everyone, pressed together like sardines by the exit, Shinso hooked one of his fingers around yours. You looked up at him and gave him a half smile.

"I'm a little nervous actually," he said.


His focus was on in front of you, "I don't know how brainwashing can help people in need, you know? Sure, it's good against a villain."

"Well... I don't know. I think it could be useful," you said, "Especially if someone in panicking. Have you seen a drowning victim? They almost take the hero rescuing them down with them. Or if someone is too scared to run, you can get them to save themselves from further harm. Huh - yeah! You're way useful!"

He snickered and rubbed his thumb against your hand, "Thanks for the ego boost."

"You were fishing, weren't you."



Your class split up into groups this time when entering the arena again. It looked like something out of an apocalypse movie, and reminded you a little too much of the fight with All For One. This was an exercise you had little experience with. Saving people was obviously a given when performing hero work, but injured citizens in the field was new.

If your group ever seemed to have things under control, you jumped in with another group - not giving yourself the chance to be idle. You did the heavy lifting to get the fake citizens out of the rubble, and occasionally helped out in the first aid camp.

You could give energy to people, but you weren't sure you could actually heal anyone. Just yourself, so far. However, when you altered the mood with your "love spell" they gave you points for keeping a calm environment.

Apparently, you had been awarded points for being versatile as well. Hopefully, it's enough...

"(Y/N), could I get a hand?" Momo asked.

"Oh - sure," you waited until Sero and Ojiro crawled out of the rubble with their citizens before setting down a giant slab of cement. You, Sugar Rush, and Ochaco were dominating in the collapsed building sector.

You were about to help Momo with the leverage she constructed using her quirk, when another explosion - much like the ones that tampered with the arena - took down one of the walls surrounding you. The shockwave startled everyone, and the citizen actors reacted accordingly.

"Villains!" an actor cried out.

"Villains? Now?" Izuku looked in the direction of the blast. You did the same, waiting anxiously for what the test had next in store.

Through the dust and smoke emerged Gang Orca. The man ranked third in pro heroes that look like villains - and well deserved. He was tall with deep white eyes with red pupils. His suit was all white with a pink tie and a high collar, and along his back was a billowing, killer whale-like cape.

He wasn't alone. A swarm of foot soldiers came running towards you. They were carrying weapons with them and seemed very enthused about their performance.

"Tell me, young heroes," Gang Orca's intimidating eyes met your group, "Can you rescue people and fight at the same time?"

You gulped. He tossed his cape in the wind with one of his abnormally large hands. His nails were even slightly pointed to look more like claws.

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