S4 Part 11 - Glutton for Punishment

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⚠️  ⚠️ UPDATE: I came back and censored this bit - just so you all know 😁 You can still skip ahead there's just less steamy content here ⚠️ ⚠️

Your lungs were on fire.

Did it even matter if you ran? He was going to catch you. It was you against his Shie Hassaikai and you had no quirk - just a raincoat, a girl, and a gun. The toned body from all the training Aizawa put you through helped with the cardio, though...

There had to be an end to this tunnel. All you needed was enough time for Eri to escape. You could hold them off or distract them, but there had to be an exit!

It was getting so dark you couldn't see, so you tossed Kurono's mask. Not like anyone believed you were still him anyway. Your arms were beginning to burn terribly from holding Eri.

"S-Stop," Eri said, "He'll kill you if you don't stop."

"I'm pretty sure... he would kill me anyway... at this point... don't you think?" You tried to joke through your panting, but she did not appreciate it.

An end was in sight. You pushed your legs as hard as they could towards a door that finally appeared. When you reached it, you didn't wait to catch your breath before busting through.

Your guess had been right. It was a basement. A little window in the top corner told you it was day out. It looked like the building was in shade or led to an alleyway, but it was still the most sunshine you had seen in a while.

A staircase was ahead that brought you to another door, but this one was locked - by locked, it was fortified with several locks.

"Shit," you hissed. The window then. It was small, but Eri could fit through.

You tried holding Eri up but she was still attached to you, "Crawl through, Eri. Go get help."

"What about you?" She clutched your jacket even tighter, "He'll hurt you if I leave."

You forced a smile, "I'll be fine. Please, find someone."

Her eyes were swimming with tears, but she finally let go enough for you to pull her off. You felt and heard popping sound from around your neck, but ignored it, thinking it could've been part of Kurono's jacket.

You had her halfway through the glass barrier when calm footsteps walked into the room, followed by a tired and gravely voice.

"Eri knows better than to run away like this. You surprised me, though. You're quite capable aren't you?"

It didn't sound like Overhaul meant that as a compliment. You quickly drew out the gun you had stolen and spun around to aim it at him.

"Wait..." Eri called to you.

"Please, go, Eri," you were starting to shake now.

You heard her struggling to fit the rest of the way through. When her feet made little pitter-patters in the alley, you smiled wide on the inside. On the outside, however, you kept a blank expression while you tried to calculate how good your aim was when you had never shot anyone before.

"Put it down, (Y/N)," Kai sounded like an exhausted babysitter.

"No," you steadied your hand best you could. Did this scare him? He could just heal himself. You needed to hold him there so Eri had time to find someone, but there was probably no escape for you. "What are you doing to that girl, Chisaki."

He glared, "She's the boss' granddaughter. So, naturally, she's under my wing."

"Yeah... I was afraid of that."

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