S4 Part 29 - Talk Dirty To Me 🍋?

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AN: I haven't used the 🍋 sign before but it felt necessary? 😂 Maybe I should add them to other chapters too. I'll warn you before the sexy stuff happens.

There's fun with his tail, so yeah 😅 if that's too weird for you then skip! Lol

Questions. This should be easy! You had to have a ton of them. What did you even know about Heller other than he was hot and killed for cash?

For some reason, however, his creeping presence over the glassy water made your brain go into panic mode and halted all function.

"Hurry, kijo," Heller dropped lower into the water so that only his devilish eyes and above were showing.

"Uh... f-favorite color?" You stammered.

"Pfft," he blew a couple bubbles with his mouth and stopped, "If you ask anyone they might say black. But I actually like dark purple. You - favorite color."

"Me? Okay... (f/c), or maybe (other f/c)."

Heller was gliding towards you again. This game wasn't going to last very long if you didn't get your shit together.

"... How long have you known your friends!" you asked.

Ha! That should open a library of new questions!

Heller paused, "Asahi, Botan, Imi and Tate - we all technically met in the orphanage, but didn't start to really hang until middle school."


"I stopped running away as much. Made it easier to get to know people."

You leaned further back, as if doing that would give you more time. Heller kept inching closer like a silent alligator floating his way to his next meal.

"You're an orphan? What happened to your parents?" You asked.

"No idea," he shrugged, "I was left somewhere to get picked up. Pretty sure my parents weren't together. They're a mystery I don't much care for."

"You don't?" You suddenly felt creeped out, "You positive that we're not... you and I aren't..."

"Definitely not related, but I understand the concern," he grinned, "Being as rare as we are. But Butcher made it pretty clear that's not the case. I was curious too, once upon a time. Besides, you stole all their good features, not me."

He was about halfway across the pool now. The smug expression of victory on his handsome face would be yours to admire up close soon.

"... Have you ever loved someone," you asked, "And not just for sex."

His eyes popped, and then settled, "Hmm. Don't think so."

"Come on," you frowned, "I need more than that."

His smile lacked humor, but it was not clear what emotions you were seeing, "Love isn't something for a monster like me."

"Are you just saying that or do you actually believe it?"

"I take it back. I love everyone. And I want everyone to love me. But that's not what you're asking," he said, "And you?"


"The brainwasher?" He raised a brow in particular interest.

Not a subject you wanted to get into.

"Yes," you said sharply.

"He love you back?"

"Let's move on," you said, "How about girlfriends?"

"Nah, nah, I need more than that," he used your own words against you.

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