S4 Part 21 - Peace Offering

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Your world felt stretched and warped before all became normal again.

For the last while, you were engulfed in a small case of blue glass. While it had been cozy, there was no way you could relax. You were back with the League. Heller was here - you heard him speaking to Tomura on the drive, even from inside Compress' pocket. Dabi probably killed that poor hero.

And you couldn't stop thinking about how you must've hurt Izuku... And your godfather, your teacher, Lemillion, your classmates.


But your brooding came to a halt when your body sprang back to normal size and you landed on your back in the middle of a random room. A very smiley blonde was gazing down at you, "Hi, bestie!"

Compress was there too, making an awkward pose with his arms, "Sorry to be so rough with you! I'm usually more careful with these."

"Yeah, I'd like to never do that again... thanks," you groaned, "Where am I?"

"Home, silly!" Toga said, "Well, sort of. We're squatting here while we decide what to do with your twin."

"My twin?" You slowly sat up and looked down at yourself, "Does this place at least have a shower..?"

"Yup!" She beamed, "Just don't open the closet to your left."

"... Why not?"

Toga just giggled. Compress waved his finger at her, "So devious, Toga. Well, up you get, (Y/N)."

He extended his hands to you and at first you sat there like an idiot, just staring at them. You knew he wouldn't release you from a marble just to put you back into one, but you were hesitant all the same. His hands felt thin and almost dainty, at least, the one hand that wasn't metal.

You realized you probably looked like hell, but from Toga's hungry expression, and drool, she seemed to think otherwise. Then again, coming from her, that probably confirmed how terribly off you were. You thanked Compress and tried to flatten your wrinkled dress against your thighs.

This place looked like someone's home and recently lived in too - not a sketchy abandoned hideout like usual. It still had a looming warm scent in the air, like someone cooking in the kitchen. The League must have really considered this spot temporary, and now you worried about what or who Toga stashed in the closet...

Compress walked into the next room, motioning you to follow. Gods... I just want a bath. You sighed heavily before dragging your feet across the floor.

"Good, you're awake," Dabi was the first to greet you.

The rest of the gang, including Heller, sat around a long table. It would have looked like you were all having family dinner, except that you had slept with two of them and one looked like he wanted to take you right there on the table.

You raised a brow at Heller, like, how the hell does me being disgusting turn you on? Except he somehow still looked stupid perfect covered in blood and grime.

"So... you're all friends now?" You asked, a bit concerned.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Tomura leaned all the way back in his chair with his feet propped on the table, "We've just been learning some things about your fancy cult. And about you."

You felt every pair of eyes on you. This doesn't sound good...

"If you needed a body count, why didn't you just say so?" Tomura raised his arms, like this was a grand discovery, "We didn't need the bullets for Butcher at all if we leveled you up."

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