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The city lights looked like a sea of stars from the top of the thirty-story building. Tied and harnessed with nothing but and white scarf, the man found himself captive to the great view while also only one push or nudge from certain death.

His heels pressed against the edge of the rooftop ledge while the scarf slowly gave him slack, threatening to send him over.

"Hey, man!" His nervous voice quivered, "Look, I don't even know those people! I just put the mask on like they told me to! I was just fucking around!"

He starred with pleading eyes at his captor who stood still in the shadows. Only his pale hands were visible in the mood light as they held the other ends of the scarf.

"Oh. Well, in that case," his captor said, "You'll die with an innocent conscience."

"What? Please, man! You don't have to do that!"

"When I think of 'fucking around', I don't think about stabbing people in broad daylight to make a statement."

The man tried wiggling in his restraints but it only caused him to slip even more, "Come on - what do you want?! I told you everything I know!"

"I must've dozed off during that part."

The man whimpered, "Alright... I'm new, okay! I-I was in it for the money and 'cuz my friend was involved with them."

His captor tugged on the scarf, "Yes?"

"A-And, it's just a cult, man! A bunch of psychos who worship that Butcher guy! I didn't know how far they would actually go!"

"Hmm. What do they want with (Y/N)?"

"Can you pull me up first?" The man begged.


He gulped, "Okay... she's the Butcher's kid, yeah? They treat him like a god, s-so I guess she's next in line or whatever."

"Next in line for what."

"Man - I don't know!" He was starting to get angry.

"Is Butcher working with other villains?"

"Hell no, he doesn't want to be under anyone else. That's why everyone is scrambling for dominance now that the big bad and the big good are out of the picture..."

Finally, the man was reeled back in and he fell to his knees on the gritty rooftop. He was panting and quickly brushing the scarf away from him.

"Thanks. You weren't totally useless," his captor took a step forward and the white moonlight shone on his face.

"You..." the man almost laughed.

The night revealing indigo hair on a tall figure dressed in casual business clothes. Nothing suspicious with a jacket and tie except maybe the scarf that seemed out of place.

"You're the one who's sweet on her," the man cackled, "This makes sense now!"

Shinso's scarf wrapped around his shoulders like a snake settling in for a nap, "What do your buddies have planned for her? More public knifings?"

The man continued to laugh, "Hehe... you should've asked me when you still had the upper hand, rookie."

He reached into his pocket greedily and pulled out a black pistol, "But since she likes you, yeah, there will be more blood - because the city runs red for the new queen of death!"

The gun was aimed, but no bullets came out. The man's eyes were empty as his arm slowly fell to his side.

"There will be no queen of death..." Shinso muttered, "Now, why don't you turn back around get a good look at the city you want to soil so badly."

QUIRKY! Vol. 2 (MHAxReader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat