S4 Part 49 - Haunted Locker Room

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4:40 am. Still at the gym...

No sleep.

You pressed the bar up and away from your chest. Up. Then back down. You lay on your back and just prayed the bar didn't come down and crush you. Damn, this was harder without your quirk.

When you took a break and sat up, sweat slid down your neck and pooled between your breasts. You came in a T-shirt and spandex but when you spotted Toru in her booty shorts and sports bra - invisible body or not - she had a nice figure. You glanced down at your outfit again.


You pulled your shirt over your head and used it as a towel to wipe your forehead before resuming your bench presses. Your bra wasn't as cute as Toru's but you were feeling less frumpy and more confident.

Until you saw Denki checking you out.

"I don't think those dumbbells are going to rack themselves..." you leered.

"I'm sorry, miss hottie taking her shirt off," Denki sassed, "I'm simple!"

You scoffed.

"Can we..." he paused, getting frustrated, "Can we talk. Please."


"But we already are," he pleaded.

You slammed the bar up above you on its stand and rolled upward. Toru seemed happily preoccupied with a yoga video and Shinso was off refilling his water bottle. What better opportunity for Dark-Denki to strike...

"Fine," You said, "We can talk about how you kidnapped me. Or that you could have gotten everyone killed, thanks to all that info you gave the League of Villains."

Denki looked so desperate, but he held it in, "I didn't know where the information was going or to who... I swear! Izaya only tells you what he wants from you, he doesn't say what he's going to do with it after he gets it! I wouldn't have..."

He got as close as he dared, "Izaya has some ugly crap from my past and I was just... being a coward. He's asked people to do worse things so I just told myself at least it wasn't that."

"You started the fire at Monarch's," you said.

"It wasn't supposed to happen," he sighed, "All I have are lame excuses. I'm sorry..."

You couldn't even look at him, but mostly because he looked like a wounded puppy and it was ripping your heart out, "I'm not the only one you should apologize to," you said.

"When I'm allowed... I'll face everyone. And your godfather," Denki swallowed, "But he is kinda scary when he's mad."

"Yeah. He is," you said.

His yellow eyes were painful to look at, but you met them anyway. "I know I screwed up," he muttered, "I never wanted to hurt you..."

"It could've been so much worse," you huffed, "What if the League killed someone at the camp? They almost did! And they kidnapped Bakugo."

"And you..."


"And you," he repeated.

"Right," you caught yourself, "Right. Speaking of. What was your plan anyway..? Were you really going to take me and leave Japan?"

Denki shrugged, "I was gonna try. By boat or plane - whatever worked. I knew we'd hit trouble but not that fast."

"Why didn't you tell a teacher? Or one of the hundreds of pros at the party that night?"

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