Hitomu - Memoirs of an Incubus

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AN: Howdy!
Since I'm basically skipping the last half of S4 in the show, I'm adding some extra story for a few OC peeps. This chapter will probably be loooong as it gives us a peek into Heller's life before he shows up.

This "chapter" is split up into short blips of time, when he's a wee lad to adulthood. I could probably make an entire book for it to embellish on it if anyone ends up caring for it 💁‍♀️ Details will be meh so that I'm not writing 10k words 😅 (Edit.... totally wrote over 10k words...)

So you don't HAVE to read these but they might have some interesting crossovers and POV ☺️

A little warning ⚠️ The beginning is safe because Heller is little, but older Heller gets around 😅

- two little birds -

Hitomu walked up to the older lady at the shop. She was always nice to the other kids who came by here - he had been watching her for days.

Her wrinkled face smiled down at him, "Oh? I haven't seen you before. You're a handsome one! Are you here with your parents? Do they have wings like yours?"

Hitomu shrugged, "Nope."

For a kid his age, it usually made adults nervous when he gave that answer. He didn't care. Why lie about it? He didn't need parents, so why pretend to have any?

"Well, alright..." the woman said wearily, "I'm sure they're close by, right? Can I help you find them?"

"I'm good."

He wasn't sure if she was just humoring him or actually believed that, but she went to the back of her store and came back with three popsicles, "Why don't you take a treat to them? It's hot outside."

Hitomu smiled, took the cold treats in hand and ran off. He was already halfway through the first one, when he paused. It wasn't like he had any money on him, but he had a funny feeling in his stomach just leaving like that.

There was a public park across the way where he liked to play, especially during the hours that kids weren't in school. No one found him suspicious when other kids were around. He took his spot up in a tree and finished his second popsicle.

He sat up abruptly when he saw someone passing by his little hideout. They had wings - like he did! But these were different... They were made of feathers and they were a pretty red color. Hitomu leered down at him, though, he wasn't sure why.

When the other kid passed his tree, he jumped down, hoping to startle him, but the kid just kept walking. Hitomu scoffed. He wasn't going to react at all?

Then, he spotted something small and orange in the boy's arms.

"What's that?" Hitomu asked.

The boy with red wings lifted his eyes from the ground, "Huh?"

"In your hands," Hitomu pointed, "What's that?"

"Oh... it's a hero."

This kid needed to speak up more, Hitomu thought. He towered over the boy, and enjoyed that fact. His own wings weren't made of feathers or colorful like the boy's, but his friends always said he looked like a dragon or a demon.

"A hero?" Hitomu rolled his eyes, "It's just Endeavor. Shouldn't you have gotten like All Might since he's the best?"

The boy just shook his head and held his toy close to his chest. So boring, Hitomu kept watching him, even after he turned away.

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