S3 Part 23 - Too Late

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"I'm approving you for the exams. I have to pull a few strings, but it's not going to be a problem."

Aizawa crossed his arms and stared down at you. It sounded like good news, but he had a look in his eyes that said he wasn't satisfied yet. You were outside the dorms with him and Mirio, who was overseeing your last day training with him.

"But..." Aizawa's sleepy eyes narrowed even further, "If you don't pass, you will be training with me, day and night, until the next exam, and I promise it will not be an experience you'll enjoy."


"No pressure, huh?" Mirio chuckled, "You got this, (Y/N)!"

"I hope so..." you said.

"You got this," Aizawa repeated, "Just tell me that you do."

You stood a little taller and shoved the small, nervous child inside of you somewhere in the outskirts of your mind, "I got this."

"Good. See you with the others then."

Aizawa left, and your body caved forward like you had been wearing a corset and released the ties. Mirio found that funny and lifted you up from under your armpits like a puppy or toddler, "Why the long face? This is great! We've been working so hard for this!"

"I'm happy..." you said, "I-I promise! I'm more confident than I was before, that's for sure. Thank you, Lemillion."

"Hm. Somethings going on in that brain of yours!" His blue eyes crossed to see your forehead more closely.

"I would hope so?" You said, "I enjoy human functions, such as breathing."

"Haha! I'm going to miss you! But hey - just because Aizawa isn't making you train with me anymore doesn't mean we can't still see each other. If you want to be friends?"

"Yeah - of course!" You smiled, "Can you... put me down, though?"

"Sure! Just one thing."

Mirio brought you towards his face and quickly planted his lips on your cheek. It was cute, but now you really felt like a child getting kissed by a grandparent or something.

"What was that?" You kicked your feet at the air, "I'm not a baby - just because you're all buff and crap and can pick me up? No!"

"Oh?" Mirio blinked, "Sorry, I'll treat you more like a lady then!"

He dropped you on your feet and grabbed your face instead. Your eyes widened as his lips came for yours. It was just a peck, but it had a lot more impact than the kisses you exchanged when training.

Which were many...

"I'm glad you didn't suck the life out of me right there," he said, "I got a busy schedule! But I was happy to help, (Y/N) - the deadly vixen! Wait, do you have a hero name?"

"I'm glad you find peril so hilarious," you snorted, trying to hide that you were slightly embarrassed from his kiss, "And I actually don't have a name... I'm behind on that."

"Gotta smile - or life's boring and sad! Well, keep in touch. I'll be around. Visit Sir and I sometime after the exams. He might hire you on - I can put a good word in?"

"Thanks! I wouldn't mind options..."

"Will do. And, about the other day, when you thought you were followed," serious Mirio made a temporary appearance again, "I don't have any concrete evidence to support what I'm about to say. I considered not saying anything at all."

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